Bob Lutz on Colbert Tonight

Lutz is the Vice Chairman of GM and has some classic quotes about the environment.

And many others which should make this good.

after watching the interview = what a dumbass, no wonder the company is in trouble…

he couldn’t even tell when colbert was being serious vs. asking a joke.

Those questions didn’t come as a surprise to him. There is no way they didn’t screen what Colbert was going to ask before hand. The interview turned into an advertisement.

He looked very, very stupid. Seemed to barely know what was going on with the car or anything. And even with the questions rehearsed he couldn’t answer them intelligently.

Yep he is an idiot
When he was at BMW and helped launch the 3 series.
He oversaw the development of the Dodge Viper, Plymouth Prowler and Chrysler LH platform automobiles when he was the president at Chrysler.
He had the initiative to build the sky/solitce at GM.
He pushed for the ZR1 and CTS-Vs to be monsters.

He might not have refined public speaking but the man can do his job well.
Rumor has it that he walks around with a gap measuring device and randomly checks gaps on new cars in public. If they are out of spec he writes down the VIN and finds out when and where it was built and corrective measures follow.

His career:

US Marine aviator 1954 - 1959 (remained in reserves until 1965)
General Motors – 1963 to 1971, in GM Europe
BMW --1971 to 1974
Ford beginning 1974
Chairman of Ford of Europe (early 1980s)
Executive Vice President of Ford International Operations (beginning about 1982)
Vice President in charge of Ford Truck Operations (beginning about 1985)
Member Ford Board of Directors (1982-1986)
Executive at Chrysler Corporation, (1986-1998) initially primarily responsible for product development; subsequently president and chief operating officer, and then vice chairman.
CEO of Exide from 1998 to 2002
General Motors, 2002 to present

So when are you marrying the guy? Holy shit, relax.

Well I am just sticking up for a co-worker. Granted I wouldn’t stand up for Rcik Jr.
All joking aside. Colbert is a tough interview and makes most people look stuiped.
He is a car nut and a muscle car guy. The Volt is not really his thing but he is building what consumers demanded.
I enjoyed the fact he said this car will help up pick up girls with hair on their legs.

After watching the interview he doesn’t seem as dumb as he done just older and more cautious about what he says. just more calculated all around.

global warming is a fact and going to happen whether humans are on this planet or not. The only real question about it is are things we’re doing speeding it up and by how much.

i wanna know where he got the balls to pull the “32,000 of the world’s top scientists” figure out of his ass when saying the co2 problem doesn’t exist.

and i know exactly where his millions of dollars go…you see those meth teeth? fuckers an addict…which would also start to explain his lack of mental abilities in some areas…

Its some bogus number that morons like that always use…its “32,000 PHDs say global warming is a myth” or some bullshit. Doesn’t say what kind of PhDs, or give any names obviously, but I always hear that crap when idiots say that global warming is fake.

global warming is fake…32,000 phd’s told me so :stuck_out_tongue:

i think i’m going to buy a volt and plug it into a honda fit … probably cheaper than charging it on the house :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is more info on the 32k

I am educated in global warming theories and I think the relationship co2 levels have with global warming is very circumstantial.

Hell, it could be as simple as the fact that the earth is warming causes the increase in CO2.

The only proof I have seen is Al gore’s CO2 level chart.

Maybe Man is causing it, but I dont think it is CO2.