Bob Lutz: Global Warming a "total crock of sh*t"

GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz is fully behind development of Chevrolet’s aggressive Volt plug-in hybrid, but not for the same reasons as many environmentalists. Mr. Lutz — GM’s go-to man for one-liners and candid opinion — had some choice words against the claim of global warming.

"Global warming is a total crock of shit.” Lutz told a group of mostly local journalists during a closed-door meeting at the Cacharel restaurant near Dallas and Fort Worth. “I’m a skeptic, not a denier … I’m motivated more by the desire to replace imported oil than by the CO2.”

Aside from CEO Rick Wagoner, Lutz is among the highest-ranking GM executives who speaks with the press on a regular basis.

According to D Magazine, Lutz made it clear his opinion doesn’t guide GM. “My opinion doesn’t matter,” he said. Of course, GM has done nothing to tone down the outspoken executive during his tenure as head of product development.

Indeed, Lutz is no stranger to controversial points of view. He is openly opposed to the U.S. government’s new CAFE fuel efficiency standards, which he has claimed will add $6,000 to $10,000 to the price tag of most cars.

He even went as far as blasting his own company in 2006 for failing to compete with Japanese automakers early on. “I can’t believe that we were so stupid,” he said in March of that year.

Like him or not, Lutz ain’t afraid to tell it like it is.

I certainly have respect for the man. He helped the Viper program back in the day.

And now for your regularly scheduled Vette and/or GM smart ass comment;

And you Vette homos out there better damn well be on your knees for that guy.

vette homos he says…

i agree… GW is bullshit

GW can be taken seriously but theres no reason to blame cars

Fuck global warming. The world’s going to end in 2012 anyways, might as well be warm.

Yeah that makes me like Lutz. I like it when high ranking people are blunt.

All this talk about Global warming is a crock of shit. People are so concerned because they seen a treand over the past ONE HUNDRED YEARS. That 100 How old is the earth? How many recorded climatic events have occured in the past 500,000 years? The fact is that every 100,000 years the earth goes through cyclic warming. This is just another trend that when viewed on the grand scale is nothing out of the ordinarly. It is also proven that with every event, the CO2 levels were abnormally high. I can’t believe that people are so stupid as to say that “based on the past 20 years of evidence…yada yada”.

Eventally, the earth ice caps will melt, the oceans will stagnate and life will end as we know it. Too bad so sad.
I support the 2012 theory :slight_smile:

ehhh as much as I like Bob Lutz

some auto maker claiming that global warming is BS doesn’t really sway me too much

Awww, you have competition. no homos on their knees for you :frowning:

you know i like the movie Waterworld

is that the one where the chick gets naked for the merman in the middle of the ocean and tells her kid to run downstairs in the boat?

ugh, another of these threads?

The History Channel told me that human transportation accounts for 27% of noX emissions, in a 2004 study.

Planes, trains, automobiles, ships, etc.

Wheres that other 73% coming from? Anyone care to guess?

cows, nature, manufacturing

edit; still cutting back on %25 would great reduce the amount going in…

it is just our reliance on fossil fuels in general that is a major issue


Industry, Agriculture, Residential > transportation individually

Electric & natural gas generation. The largest poluters in the US, by industry segment.

This doesn’t take into effect any of the unregulated “emerging” countries

I don’t have links, but I’d trust the History Channel to have decently fact checked.

Yes, a 25% reduction in transportation pollution would be great.
But imagine what a 10% reduction in the largest segments would do by comparison?


There you go with that logic stuff again. No no no. The SUV is evil, it’s the cause of global warming, and we need to all be driving ethanol cars.

Oh wait, ethanol is bad now too.

We all need to be driving hybrids.

Oh wait, li-ion and NiMH batteries aren’t exactly great for the earth either.

What was the easy answer again?

Invade oil rich countries :gotme:

Ethanol would be a fuck of alot more betterer is they could get it out of the green stuff, not the yellow stuff.

How the hell can a bunch of guys, in the 60’s, without the internets, and with ZERO precedence, put people on the moon in a matter of years…

but we can’t figure out how to get grain alcohol out of corn stalks with billions of dollars invested into thousands of people with over a decade of work?
Especially considering that rednecks have been making white lightning out of scrap supplies for generations?

Simplified, yes, but srsly, is this the best that we can do?

i’m all for global warming, this weather sucks!`