Bobble head pete..

So whats your problem kid? why do I keep hearing youre running your mouth about me?

Ok well I know why its because I wont let you in the bar. Sorry kid not risking my job so you can go creep out some females… I guess youre a ni9 now getting all mad cuz you can’t get in the bar… Well keep running your mouth it makes me laugh hearing how much I upset you. :lol

Jillians sucks for the most part. Just sayin’:lol

Dont hate :lol

I’ve had a lot of good times there, just gets dark real quick

Yea I will run my mouth… Don’t really care only 3 weeks left of alive anyways…


fuckin Under age pete turd trying to get into barsss and getting shut down.

here is a clever idea…

why not wait until your legal PETE?!?!

Nah he smokes mad pot now instead


not when I’m at the door shit stays fam free.

Good work.

he’s just doing his job brother. why u bad mouthing a man for doing his job?

What about the 100’s and 100’s of other underage kids…yea, that’s doing your job…

i didnt know the whole situation broski. so you are saying he is singling you out?

Yea, or so it seems… Like I said it’s whatever, there’s three left anyways

Pete, I wouldnt let you in either, just because your Pete.


what a puts pete is. Im gonna knock him the fuck oiut later.

100s of minors hu pete so explain the 100s of fake ids I’ve gotten so far… , I’m not singling your virgin punk ass out. But whatever I guess I had you wrong all these years youre not cheap like a jew your just a cheap dumb ignorant ni99er.


