Bobble head pete..

why did he get banned?

he said the anithomo f@% words and such

I thought shit was bleeped if you typed it.

fuckin NAMBLA association up in here

Real talk ITT

i’m just going to leave this here

ROFL at Pete and Jim being nanertakers! hahahaha

you two clowns. Jim throwing out the N bombs, and V bombs, and shit. Pete calling him a pool boy for life! many LOLs in this early knockout round. Looking forward to round 2 starting tomorrow!

I like ya both so ill be the middle man. Pete, you arnt 21, and have a baby face like me… even turning 28 I get carded EVERYWHERE because of it. Infact while in bars, and out with a drink in hand I had cops and people card me after initially getting carded… so Jim doing his job is just that doing his job. I was there last week too, and watched jim turn about 10 people away in the 20 minutes I was standing there shooting the shit with him. He is srs bzns behind that yellow shirt man… cant blame him for that. Also jim is one of the hardest working people on here, he works 3 jobs and never hesitates to jump and help out a friend. He is by far not a looser! Jim, you knew it was coming with the nbomb blast you shot out early but thats your style, say what you think, fuckum if they cant take a joke. Ohh well.

Pete is gettin awfully loud lately, can’t let that bulldog mouth overload that puppydog ass!

no means yes

yes means anal


Man I must be gettin old . In. My day brute meant strong . Now if Pete is labeled brute what is the new meening

isnt brute like aftershave?

Fagboy flower picker

Im litereally laughing out loud and i cant stop!

Yea some 3ft tall kid is calling Pete a brute. What the fuck has this world come to

brute LOLz

gotta be a brute in a brute world, while wearing brute aftershave…

…and now you can have a brute wedding in New York State… thats a lot of brutes getting married…cant wait for the brute parade this year!.. gonna be brutal



wow wtf? relax doods! Pete, dont hate, ur not 21. just relax and enjoy your youth. Yeti, free shots of jameson? :wink: