body work opinion question

im getten alot fo body work done to my car and iw as woundering what u guys thought about this you no the stock pin stripe like thing that gose all the way around your car its on the bumpers and door.the hicas stripe. the black little stripe well i was thinging of shaveing it and maken it smooth cuz its in a little groove was woundering if it would look good and if possible anyone has a picture of this alredi done im keeping the stock body parts on my car i got the OEm sides and rear valance on my car.

That is what I am doing

no way me too, Kidding…

WHeres the punctuation, grammer skills people.

It should look fine but that line is in the bumpers and metal, bodyfiller here we come.

yeah be prepare to make friends with mr.cheese.
unless you shave it and put metal strips and spot weld it all the way till u reach the point where u have to cheese up ur bumpers.

the black stripe on the bumpers isn’t easy to take off. it’s kind of bonded on, and if you decide to fill it, that’s alot of expensive plastic filler if they do it right. keep the stripe imo.

it does look good but its not worth cheesing your whole car up ridiculously

can you learn to spell? please? or at least look over your post prior to posting it up?

as for what you want to do… that seam in the body give the sides of the car definition… i dont think it would look very good without it.


I’m shaving mine also,but I’m going to weld a strip down it,instead of filler.
It’s alot more work but it will last longer.

I took the stripe of but left the little divit.

I think it will be good eather way but with all the filler going around your car if someone even takp your door with theres it could cause a lot of headakes.