boning fat chicks

best thing I’ve read all … week. maybe month.

Then with all my might and effort, I rolled her over on top of me. Second huge mistake. I think my pelvis might be shattered or atleast some sort of internal bleeding was inflicted.

It is pretty funny, but if she’s really 145, he may be a bit over the top with her weight.

I got $10 that says this guy is 130lbs soaking wet so to him, she is the earth and he’s the mutherfucking moon.

The man speaks from experience :stuck_out_tongue:

145 is not fat, depending on how the girl is proportioned. Either way this was a funny read very descriptive…I have a tempurpedic mattress, I was wondering what would happen in said event. Looks like I have my answer.


shhhhhh neither of us have gone above 120

5 5 145 is fat…

i refuse to do anything over 115

lol good read…

but that girl is cute…she’s not fat at all…she’s got curves…an ass and titttties…

Maybe its because I am a small dude :frowning: . But 145 is wayyyy over my limits and i drink a lot, lol…

good read though!

there ya go… drink a little more… 145 will be the last of your worries


I dont want anything to do with this.

And lol no.

“Thats a lot of booze.”

anyone that claims they havnt done 145, your either albinovirginrat or you don’t drink

145 is not fat lol

well i’ll be the first to admit … i drink :frowning:

hell i’m drinking right now, and i’d totally fuck that, i’d even bring her around my friends. put put put put put put mmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the moped goes :slight_smile:

funniest thing iv read in a while

Great read, need the rest

what if she’s 150 and 6’5" ?

or you’ll take a 115lb chick who is 2’ 5" ???

weight depends on the girl and how she wears it. i know a chick who is like 145 5’5" and has a smoking body … but she’s solid muscle. i also knew a chick with the same height and weight and she was gross and sloppy…

It’s all build and frame; there are people out there with small frames who are tiny (Which it seems everyone on this board is and dates); there are also medium and larger frames that have a larger build.

Personally, I’m 6’4, 210#s; my GF is just about where this girl is size and weight wise. But she is far from fat, infact she’s got a gymnast/professional cheerleaders body with almost all of it muscle. Personally I like a girl with a few curves and not just skin and bones. Plus myself not being a small dude like a lot of you guys are… tiny just doesn’t appeal to me as much; I’m afraid of breaking them. LOL

So, what would be the reaction, IF this Chick was online and saw this little writeup?

Suicide, rampage, or diet?

:rofl: :tup: