Boost Creeps 94 Supra Turbo

Fuck, I’m going to make some baller harnesses for $5k

fuck that noise! ill stick with my cheap ass chevy :thumbup

Then why don’t you understand how a ~$210,000 MSRP car costs 10k to tune when your ~$22,000 MSRP car costs $2,000 to tune (KPRO+dyno tune)? The Lambo is cheaper percentage-wise :rofl

dunno yah dumb bastard

I thought you said you were going to school now, haven’t they taught you simple division?

so yah goin to school now eh?

Holy wow… that guys is making a killing on those set ups. I gotta get into the exotic scene

Gallardo is way nicer than the ford Gt. That thing is fucking gayer than elton john.

dont worry about me…No need for A 300 shot either…

It really depends on how much pressure drop you can afford to lose, if you are running 3 bar base fuel pressure and you are running -6AN causing a 15psi drop in pressure, that puts your pump @ 60psi to make 45psi at the rail add 20psi for your boost reference and now we’re limited to what your pumps can flow @ 80psi just to maintain your fuel pressure.

Just because I am a fuel geek, I’ll analyze Travis’ setup.

-6an line @ approx 15ft length
3 x 255LPH walBROSEPHz = 201GPH
E85 specific gravity @ 0.78
= 9.7 FPS velocity = 19ish PSI fuel pressure drop @ rail


j/w have you driven a big na v8 or an awd to compare to a supra

Can go for a ride in my BIG POWUR VEIGHT.

I’ve driven neither, but i would really love to drive a 1XXXwhp Supra someday. Ill show that bish whats good.


Also. This is Stallmer on Chris’s name. He left his laptop here at work while on his lunch, and i’m covering his break. Haha

and for starters Brian, my comment about adding a supra to my kill list was 100% sarcastic bullshit but now your making this shit SSeriousss


I’ve driven several Vipers, vettes, and audis/sti’s out the ying yang. Lambos, Fcars, pcars you name it.

but driving them doesnt count unless you DRIVE them…I mean WOT

Im still upset im so close and still have yet to see this car.

Yea I don’t ever WOT

I’d tell you to swing by my house but I won’t be home tonight. Car also doesn’t have an ECU in it. Maybe tomorrow if your around.

May not wanna let me know where you live, ill be there in the middle of the night peeking in your garage windows jerkin it to the white devil.