Boost Creeps 94 Supra Turbo

The smell of pump gas wants to make me take a shiz, however E85 would make a great cologne.

My dog is old. He farts a lot. They always smell. /jbp

In honor of this thread, I’m posting whilst pewping.

I took a hot one this morn, Subway Buffalo chicken with Jalapenos!

Currently very sick, took one of those shits about 10 mins ago that feels real sharp and was an endless wiper type of deal. Not a good start to the day. Gonna go shower.

I have yet to poo today but I feel as though its going to be a brutal poop when it does does become that time

I love the turn this thread has taken. On that note, Im off to the throne.

I rifled out a few brown bettys a little while ago and it went much smoother then anticipated

I like it when you get a clean wipe on the first pass.

The no poop on the TP wipes are the best.

I sneak the yougins wipes sometimes.

I like to shit. Shitting is fun.

I wiped once.

I want to ride in fast evo.

PM user “tdi_logik”

:rofl i do all the time lolol leaves ya with a nice fresh felling after a shitty experiance

I said fast evo.

Shitting HOT FIRE at work

In the bathroom that the ‘nags’ work in, or do you guys have an employee pit stop?

O we have our secrets

Good, the ‘nags’ can be annoying at times