When does Borat come out on DVD? or on demand?

1.50 at stary city!

i was just wondering that like an hour ago…but yea what dan said

star city FTW

i have it if someone gives me an FTP to put it up to

I wouldnt watch BORAT if someone payed me too

what does this mean? Stary City? I just want it on DVD so when I have parties I can put it on the big screen on repeat…

Great party:ugh2:

Is this all you do? sit around and see what smart ass comments you can make? Very constructive. :down:

Ya,i find it amusing guido…


eh thats Devin…get used to it…he’s really not THAT bad though :stick:

ANYWAY…truth is Devin just can’t watch the movie for fear that he may find he has a never dying love for BORAT and want to actually go to your party!!

Maybe Devin is Borats long lost Brother…Lover???

just proved how stupid u 2 really are.

somebody said hey ill pay u money to watch some comedy movie, id say yes.

of course you would you slut…u take payment for alot I heard :idb::tounge:

this coming from the guy that gets paid to do 99% of things


I watches BORAT last night and let me tell you… it was really funny. :slight_smile: