Bordem version.model truck

So life can get a little boring from time to time here at the dorms so I bought myself a model truck in attempt to customize it. This is the first model I’ve done that I’ve done major mods too. So far I’m quite pleased. Just got to drop the back body mount a little more yet.

why are you still in the dorms get the hell out

Why do you have an HP desktop EWWWW

You made front camber plates? Sweet! :headbang:

u just wanted an excuse to sniff glue

Lol, at the old power switch base station. I haven’t seen one of those since the early 90s.

Man those wheels are going to wear super fast.

totally OT. what’s the point of those?

Old power switch is for controlling individual devices power and its a surge protector.

And I’m still at dorms because I’m still in school till June 22nd.

Its getting painted this weekend by my friend because I’m far to lazy lol.

Paint it white pearl. That will look hot with the dubz

you aint got shit on my 63 donk bitch


Drops are out
Lifts are in :tspry:

i chromed the frame and everything lol. this picture doesnt do the paint justice. its flatblack base with a lime green bottom coat transparent red topcoat and a prism/holographic glitter effex clear.

why not get hammered?

taking pictures Pwnz you

dude, bored in the dorms? wtf. if i were still in the dorms, there is no way in hell iwould ever get bored. i miss the dorms :frowning: stop painting trucks and go fuck whores you dumbass

Jailbait on your TV, perv LOL.
Are you going to make it so it can go up and down, or is it going to just sit and lay frame?

Wyotech consists of mainly guys. At my dorms theres maybe 2-3 girls and there all engaged and prudish, don’t party or that. Other girls in the area consist of 14-16. Little young. Anyways this isn’t like normal college dorms at all.

I don’t have what I need to make this truck go up and down so its going to sit about an eighth inch of the ground. Laying frame would be way to easy.

EDIT: Got the back end sitting lower. I think I’m pleased with overall ride height for now.

Well its done now, but unpainted I’m sorry to say. The model came with shitty paint so the decision was made not to use it. I’m quite pleased with how it came out for my first customized model truck.

you definately should have painted it

No Paint = Weak Sauce.