Bored in CAD class? NYspeed is your answer!


eh true, but i mean cmon, im driving a DSM to start (strike one), a choptop (strike two) and an automatic (ouch…strike three) so my car is basically never going to be fast, and yeah i can admit the interior…prolly a bad choice but oh well, this car is just to get me through college so at least now i know, as for the posting, yeah yeah lol, but u gotta understand…i sit in this class for 2-1/2 hours waiting for the teacher to just say…“ok lets leave” everyone else is completely lost and im the dork who finished 3 years ago, its like watching an Oprah marathon.


on the plus side of things, girls love these cars. at least you got that on your side

EDIT: oh and theres a rag top 2nd gen running around with an evo3 setup. i can vouch for that car moving pretty good. although it was a gst, and a 5 speed.