Bored in CAD class? NYspeed is your answer!


lmao, btw anyone else at buff state?


lmao bill

im at buff state tues/thurs till noon

Anyone else reminded of “Dazed and Confused”? The way I see it after we’re all done making fun of him he’ll be able to hang out with the cool people.

what is there not to understand in CAD? You painted your interior and your the smartest kid in your class. we are in some serious trouble… just messing with you.

doesn’t everyone try painting their interior at one point… or do something remotely ricey?


doesn’t everyone try painting their interior at one point… or do something remotely ricey?


Everyone who get’s into cars at an early age and see’s some topic on an online forum entitled “how to paint your interior” like its some sick trap for noobs…

But otherwise, no. Not everyone.


It’s painful watching a noob take his lumps.




doesn’t everyone try painting their interior at one point… or do something remotely ricey?


unless real carbon fiber is ricey…nope

FYI. If it involves something that isn’t speed and your modding your car, you probably shouldn’t post. Or video games for that matter…


FYI. If it involves something that isn’t speed and your modding your car, you probably shouldn’t post. Or video games for that matter…



id rather have my car going fast before looking anything more than stock.

example: newmans 240, ugly as fuck:nono: but swapped :tup:

eh true, but i mean cmon, im driving a DSM to start (strike one), a choptop (strike two) and an automatic (ouch…strike three) so my car is basically never going to be fast, and yeah i can admit the interior…prolly a bad choice but oh well, this car is just to get me through college so at least now i know, as for the posting, yeah yeah lol, but u gotta understand…i sit in this class for 2-1/2 hours waiting for the teacher to just say…“ok lets leave” everyone else is completely lost and im the dork who finished 3 years ago, its like watching an Oprah marathon.


eh true, but i mean cmon, im driving a DSM to start (strike one), a choptop (strike two) and an automatic (ouch…strike three) so my car is basically never going to be fast, and yeah i can admit the interior…prolly a bad choice but oh well, this car is just to get me through college so at least now i know, as for the posting, yeah yeah lol, but u gotta understand…i sit in this class for 2-1/2 hours waiting for the teacher to just say…“ok lets leave” everyone else is completely lost and im the dork who finished 3 years ago, its like watching an Oprah marathon.


on the plus side of things, girls love these cars. at least you got that on your side

EDIT: oh and theres a rag top 2nd gen running around with an evo3 setup. i can vouch for that car moving pretty good. although it was a gst, and a 5 speed.


i regretably turned down buying a 98 GSX :frowning: it was going to cost more to repair the clutch and ball joints than i had for my budget :(, but yeah my gf loves the car, she thinks its cool that “my top can go up and down” haha…needless to say…u can see where that one is going

tell her if your top goes up and down her shirt and pants must do the same

chopped top
drop top

class dismissed

Bump for “Theory of Constraints.”

Someone entertain me.


LOL Steve is still banned lol

wow talk about an old bump…

the mentioned “gf” is EX ftw.

Jim, someone called you an owl today

btw, I got a 99 in this class.

and exempt from the pre-req haha.

Me? WTF?