
Hey Mikey,

I just wanted to publicly apologise to you if I’ve offended you. I really do not want to fight you. The only reason why I act tough behind a computer is because I’m really insecure in person. And I’ll be honest, I can’t fight for shit.

I live in Oakville and you live in scarborough. So it’s definitely no match if I were to fight you. I’m sorry and please don’t beat me up.

And I’ll admit that your car is pretty hot. I’m currently building my car for the next importfest so I’d appreciate it if you could give me some tips.

Thanks and sorry once again


lol mark… u are definitely insecure and mikey dont live in scarbrough… and yes even my skinnyness can beat u up bahahah

Lawl, this thread better deliver.

season, don’t talk smack.
you are whiter than a dead white person. you can’t fight for shit neither.
hurry up and paint your car white damn it.

with love, your korean friend from vancouver.

Dear Korean friend from Vancouver.

If I were to put money on a fight between you and Season my money would definitely be on Katie Holmes.

with longing, nocwage.

katie holmes has tom cruise and his scientology thugs. it’s not fair.

i thinks u guys should hug it out

come on guys… this is serious.

if you werent born and raised in scarborough you cant handle the content of this thread…

whos from scrabz?
mark dont worry i know ur personality and i dont got beef against u but ur bushhyy asss mustachhh

but dan i already told him whats going to come to him.

see what i mean, this is serious business…

i havent heard anything, please explain.

i can provide an octagone, lol if u guys still need.

whats the deal? what happened

lolll dam u north koreans always gota be so communist about everything… cant even let me have my freedom of speech.

theres only one way to settle this…

parking garage drift battle.

with vin diesel as a guest referee.

Don’t hate on communism, it’s all about being part of a community hugs

Whos gonna be the hot asian to flag it?
