Boston Hotel

how would that have anything to do with arson?

Place had gone down hill in the past few years, Sucks for the owners but isn’t a big loss imo

wow, that really sucks, we used to go from the shop there to get all you can eat crab.

Insurance money…

boston hotel monday nights will be sorely missed

dude that sucks

Good stuff^ wings and lobster dainties :tup:

o for a second i thought it was the one by lancaster raceway, well thats ones still there

goddamnit i loved that place… im actuallly really upset right now. the gf and i were there only a month or so ago :frowning:


Always meant to go there, never actually did. Guess i’ll never get the chance. :’(

WERD. It was such a good deal.


for sure…
boston needs more places like the b hotel…
and less commercial bullshit

The owners of the hotel also own a restaurant right across the street from the boston hotel. They serve the same fish fry and some other stuff.

inc.$ ?

I highly doubt it was for the insurance $, that place did a pretty damn good business.

my monday nights are a joke now

b-hotel… no more
sages… no more under age girls

i went there once. i did like their food a lot. that was over 6 years ago. lol

oic, so there is a Boston, ny

which bartender was your dad? my mom was a hostess for like 8years, this was quite a while back i did the same thing kinda hung out when i was really young everyone was super nice there its a shame to loose a local family ran business.