Boston Hotel

Gone, burned tonight

wow god damn that was always one of my stops in the summer with the bike to bad

quick to the other Boston hotel!

yeah pretty bad, sucks im not working tonight, ill see it tomorrow.

I went to HS with the owners son. That sucks.

burned to the ground? or just major damage?

my manager said its down, gone, engulfed

Damn i just saw the pic on the news…Looked badd


on Genesee?

The one in Boston not the one on genesee

yeah, in-laws live down the street… their friend saw it smoking before the firetrucks got there, guess it got real ugly real quick.

Oh No not the Bo Ho!!!
I heard Sandy Beach talking about it this afternoon.

Oh man! I never ate there but had a beer there in the summer. Bummer:(

My dad’s friend and his family used to own this hotel for years back in the 70’s 80’s and 90’s…

I don’t think it was an actual hotel, more of a restaurant.

OMG, i live like 2 mins away…i loved that place.

I wonder if it was arson…they got nabbed about a year ago for underage drinking…

NOOOOO… I was always there when I was little, my dad was a bartender for over 15 years there. The original owners sold it a while back they opened the Boston Crab and Stake House.

This place will be missed, it had great food. :cry: