bought a new laptop have a memory question

ok the latop i just bought has 4gb ram. im running Windows7 64bit. i have a windows7 with 84bit. do i need to install this to see all 4gb. and if i ever wanna upgrade to 6 will the 84bit be enough to see it all?


WTF is windows 7 84 bit?

At first I assumed it was a typo but you said it currently has windows 7 64 bit.

There are only 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows operating systems. And yes, to see anything over 3.5ish GB of ram you need a 64 bit OS.

i have 64bit right now, and i can only see 3.5gb… yea i was unsure my windows7 disk has a 84 option lol.

see :), i just seen it says 3.75 usuable. im a dummy. the rest is used up for video card i think?

256MB shared video

Yep, onboard video is using up the rest most likely. 64 bit is the biggest you can go.

yep i realized that as soon as i posted the pic :frowning:

maybe the disc said… x86?

84^(1/n) != 2^n

probably. i dont pay atention to well