Bouncer beats up customer in bathroom, charged with assault kidnapping and burglary

WOW, thats fucked up. wonder what would have happend if he took him to the “basement”.

Good ole’ fashion ass rape

Someday he’ll get his… fucking nbn
And I have a somewhat related story but im not typing that shit on my phone

Send him to a rural prison, the C.O.'s are really nice to brown folks. What happens is, the white people get cigs sent to them in their care packages. At this point, the guards take them as a “fee”. In the case, “fee” = “pass to have a boot party with the brownies”

its funny that he has no authority to do anything but detain the guy and call the police.

cant search him, search his items. retarded security chumps

Straight up fucking ni99er.

As soon as he locked that door, I would have kicked him in the nuts as hard as I could have and started punching his oversized head for everything I had. Fuck that man. I get pissed just watching/thinking about the vid

I bet he still works there, want to go check it out with me? :lol

I woulda died in that situation. The second he tried touching any of my belongings I woulda told him to fuck off and tried to walk out of the bathroom to call the cops myself. angry video makes me angry.

Sue the shit out that piece of shit, and if he doesn’t have anything the club.

I just love how scumbag dumb fucking people find it necessary to video tape their stupidity!