do bouncers at a club have any legal authority to throw you up against a wall, take everything out of your pockets, pat you down and question you? or am I correct in assuming it is considered some type of assualt/harrassment
and please, no “their word against yours” responses.
The burden of evidence is on you. If the bouncers say that isn’t how it happened and you and your friends say it did happen that way. How are you going to prove you’re right? What evidence do you have/ can you get?
the short answer is; no, they don’t have the right to do that.
unfortunately for you, this is the bottom line…
MY legal advice: stop being a drunken retard in a club.
i’m guessing (from the very limited information you gave us) is that you got into some drunk bullshit at a club, the bouncers overextended their authority, and now you are pissed and/or emberrassed.
instead of going after them legally, (which will honestly not yield any real results) you should learn from this and move on. either don’t go to that club, don’t hang out with the people who got you into this shit, or stop doing whatever the hell it is that you did to cause this.
it’s entirely possible that i’m way off base, and i’m open to that. you gave us shit for information so i filled in the blanks myself, based on my and other people’s experiences.
Don’t waste your time. Remeber that bouncers arent just some big dudes picked up off the street. By law they are required to be certified security guards (a simple 8 hour class) and then if they have an 40 hour OTJ training req.
In court its a trained, certifed dude vs you drunk in a bar. Don’t waste your time and just never go back :shrug:
I had this happen down at Garcia’s one night (one downtown) i was dragged out by the neck, one buddy was arrested, 2 of us just kinda walked away. i went back the next day and “spoke” to the bar/club manager and had the charges dropped, after figuring it was my word against 3-4 bouncers that were not drinking. who do you think the judge is gonna beleive?
I’m sorry but I messed the law that said bouncers need a guard license. Even if most places want the bouncers to have one, have one means nothing. Any idiot can get one, as long as you don’t have a felony.
Bouncers are usually just treating you like they have to the other drunk screw ups. Think about how many drunk idiots they see a night. Try not to take it personal, unless there’s a back story you haven’t revealed yet.
I’ll elaborate later, but they accused me of doing something when all I was doing was standing there, and then proceeded to manhandle me. I did absolutely nothing wrong.
I’d go through my penal law book for NYS but I don’t have the time nor care to at this point. Long story short is you’re pretty much SOL Sal. You don’t really have a case and grounds for pressing charges are slim to none considering you were intoxicated and they are doing their job…