Bouncer beats up customer in bathroom, charged with assault kidnapping and burglary

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where is all the ni99ers fightin for the unjust on this one ??? fuckin hipocrits .

i hope he gets ass raped in jail like the bitch he is

thats nuts

That ****** would have caught my boot right to his yam bag.

what a lowlife scumbag


*** being a ***, no surprise there.

I don’t get how you can continually hit someone that is 1/4 your size and obviously scared of you.

WOW. That shit was fucked up. Too bad that kid wasn’t carrying.


What a piece of shit. 1 reason I always carry my knife on me, Ill be damed if Im getting rolled in the bathroom by some ****** for no reason!

mother fucker show me where I mother fuckin searched goddammit

hm… I never made my way into that strip club during my time in worcester… good thing

Yo are you FUCKING serious? I’m not racist but that piece of shit is a ****** through and fucking through. Anyone know what happened to this piece of shit? That guy did everything he asked, he had no drugs on him, and he pulls that shit? Who the fuck does he think he is? Some scumbag ****** working in a strip club, making some dude half his size BOW to him?

Fuck that, piece of shit needs to eat a bullet.

all the ni99ers need to eat a bullit or 2 . and not live like tupac an shit

^ haha

Fuck that video got me so pissed. I need to rub one out or something.

wow, what a piece of shit! walking his faggoty rats outside. i hope he gets whats comin to him aka clan bros


also another reason to stay in the northcountry it’s too cold for a sizable population of naggers to establish.