legal question...

Were you standing there? Or were you calling Ralph on the porcelain phone? Your story has already changes drastically. :lol: :purextc:

I thought I was gonna puke. regardless, still just standing there. I just didn’t feel like explaining the whole thing

lame :tdown:

Never go back, move on. In life, shit happens big time.

you should have thrown up on him… then maybe next time he’d think twice about playing grab ass with you… :naughty:

bouncers know better than to fuck with me. i’ll fucking cut anyone.

it probably helps they think i have aids.

Sal didnt do anything wrong. It’s the overexcited bouncers that are in all downtown clubs. This is why I stay at Slum-Zero and drink for free where I am untouchable until I walk out.

Lesson learned Sal…

So you thought you were going to puke and the bouncers picked you up and told you to empty your pockets.

Just admit it. You were caught blowing coke in the bathroom.

If they thought you were going to puke you would have been escorted outside of the bar and told to have a goodnight.

Get really jacked in the next 6 months, buy a gun, head back to that club, say “remember me punk” to the same bouncer, and just show off your hawt abs. That will make him so jealous Sal, hell wish they never threw a hot man like you out again!

The gun is for when he tries to kick your ass for coming on to him.

Quite possibly the gayest shit I’ve ever read…

Why not add - “Oh sal how I wanna cuddle with you when you get jacked and have your cum drip down the back of my throat”

this thread has potential… :drama2:

Or how bout we give ILC a call and fuck him in the ass Deliverance style because everyone knows hes in our gay circle as well. :pedo:

So you got kicked out of Pure for blowing coke in the bathroom???

I know if I was a bouncer the last thing I would do is detain you any longer than I had to if you were gonna puke.

No shot at Sal doing coke. TRUST ME

This thread pretty much sucks without the story of why he was harassed by the bouncers.


Oh sal how I wanna cuddle with you when you get jacked and have your cum drip down the back of my throat

Sals cum tastes like orange creamsicles… that is if you can taste it over all the coke residue that hasnt been blown off his wiener.