:bowrofl: that JDMASSFUCK kid just deleted his thread again! :bowrofl:

how do you know i was referring to her??? does she go by nasty white or cunt now or is that just how you view her as well? couple questions. have you every given her a donkey punch? and does she still work at erotica? i know some guys looking for a good time.

I applaud your attempt at childish humor.

Okay since you felt the need to edit your original post.

I know you are talking about her because you seem to be the only person on this board that can not let this alone. She has not posted here in ages yet you still get your slight boost in self esteem by insulting her. And, for your information, I call her by her name.

i like where this is going


are you the flavor of the week

I appreciate the stab at me. However, I have been dating her since the turn of this year. I guess that would make it something like the flavor of the past three and a half months or so.

We have noodz we can post too!

Of course, I know this. I have accepted her mistakes and misfortunes. If I had any jealousy issues then I don’t think I would be dating her.

No harm no foul, everyone makes mistakes. I drive Hyundai’s for christ sakes.

wooohooo boy 3.5 months. holla!!! whens the wedding? oh wait that was the last 3 guys she was with that she engaged to right??? dont worry i didnt take anything away from my edited post just added to it. i dont know what it is but i was reminded of her when this other retard started posting. i really would like for them to join in on the fun though.all im trying to do is get her some business during these hard times. lap dances and maybe a little extra would do wonders.


Now you know the lap dances are always better when the strippers crying.

The stripper jokes are cute. Im sure you really do not care but she has not stripped since we met. Again, Everyone makes mistakes and has regrets in their life. I have accepted that she has a past and that does not effect the way I feel about her in the least bit.

quit stealing JDMassfuck’s thunder

lol why is he not in here? oh and they arent stripper jokes…they are sad sad truths.


I have no idea who you are, not that I really care to. I have no idea what your deal is with Maddy. What I do know is that you manage to slip a bad word or two in about her at regular intervals for whatever reasons. I think its because insulting people helps you feel a little better about yourself, although that’s just my assumption. You have no idea what the truths are, all you do know is what you read on this site or imagine in your feeble mind based on some stereotype.

Im not going to steal this poor kid’s moment in the Pittspeed spotlight any longer. I said what I felt I needed to say.

In before all hell breaks loose up in this motherfucker.

have you heard? i was assuming everyone heard…

lol anyways. shes dated/fucked half of pittsburgh. and worked at every stripclub within a 20 mile radius…she gets around. and yes i do like to insult ppl. but only when what is being said is true :smiley: oh but i forgot you have been together for 3.5 months so you know everything there is to know right? 20 bucks says in 2 months theres another guy and shes saying how much she loves him and how they will be together 4evr!!! you will be just another notch in the ol belt.

where is JDMfucknuget? im bored and done with homework so i have time now.

I’m glad you got your last words in and proved my assumption correct all in one post. Thanks.


holy shit maddy & jimmy. wow. i am at a loss for keystrokes… this has been by far the most entertaining week for ps in a WHILE. nthe lulz just keep coming!