:bowrofl: that JDMASSFUCK kid just deleted his thread again! :bowrofl:

and its not even winter!

bird is the word

off topic…
Although anytime a female tosses around the cunt word, and the phrase “Donkey Punch” in the same sentence, it makes for some damn good reading!
ding ding ding, Round 3!!

im now officially in sit back and enjoy mode :rofl:

about mother fuckin time someone go it lol i was waiting for you!

ive never seen someone use the word assumptions so many times in one thread. but then again you seem to “assume” a lot of things…like you “assume” her stripping days are over. you “assume” she doesnt have the high five or any other types of VD. you “assume” there are no gang bangs when your not around. i guess its safe to say we can all “assume” there will be no erotica evacuation for girls testing positive for aids.

long story short you can put makeup on a pig and at the end of the day…its still a pig. or whore whichever you want to call it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you are the real attention whore. Word is you actauly slept with pittspeed
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are the homewrecker, not sleepergtp

You got a boob job for self esteem :rofl:

i did. took awhile but after 4 years i have made my circle complete! sleeper was just the coverup :smiley:

IS DA BOMB …that is all


pittspeed drama roxors!! its like the hills without the beach lol

Fuck off asian. I heard somalians pull a premium for racewarz for your kind.


everybody loves sluts

Wow … Just fucking wow!


I thought you were gay from all of the pics you have posted. :dunno: I could care less who you are dating, as long as it’s a member of the opposite sex it can’t be that bad. :smiley:

Honestly, You have no need to worry about my personal business. I can handle myself just fine. You must lead a boring life if you have to live vicariously through this board and other peoples business.

I’m sure that if I asked around I can bring the skeletons out of your closet. I’m a bigger person, figuratively, than that. Its funny how the people just started volunteering information about you, Laura , once this thread started.

I would not smear other people’s personal business all over a public site. It just shows your lack of class even over the internet. So please, mind your own fucking business.


Jimmy: “Jimmy doesn’t like you talking about his girlfriend.”
Laura: “Why not?”
Jimmy: “Jimmy thinks it’s immature.”
Laura: ($&# %$&#( %$^&#&*
Jimmy: “Jimmy doesn’t like that language.”

Sorry, that Seinfeld episode popped into my head the second I saw the word Jimmy. :smiley:

I dont think its personal if the girl was a active member on here

And that is fine. My position is that I am not the kind of person that would blast somebody about their personal life on a public board whether it was brought on by themselves or otherwise, member of the board or not.

I know that there is a lot of joking amongst friends here and friendly stabs at each other but these comments, in my opinion, cross the line. If she wants to say the things she does then its a testament to her lack of class.

I know for a fact that the hypocrisy of the “Maddy” situation runs deep. I have read with my own eyes the apologies and kind words that many members send her when a few single her out. The best part of it is that there are members who insult her in public and apologize via PM.


shove off, if you want a dirty somalian here stinking up the joint stealing your bread then fine, be that way!
