Lets set some things straight here....

First let me address Quik so his dumbass can go back to being useless and not posting.

  • Why was pittspeed sold?
    It has nothing to do with money, the fact is I took a loss on PS for almost 7 years so you can never say it was about the money. If it wasn’t for helpful members donating(not you) this place wouldn’t be around. The few bucks the nyspeed folk gave me barely covered my hardware expenses over the years.

This was not the first time someone came to me in attempt to purchase the forum. Over the years and especially at the peak when we did Pinks I had offers. The difference with this purchase is the promise that they would essentially leave pittspeed untouched.

  • But the forum is not the same, we have rules now!
    If you open your eyes for one second you would realize that pittspeed is exactly the same. I still moderate the off topic forum that I am posting in today. You just can go running your mouth in the network wide forums. In attempt to get that through everyone’s head I have asked Onyx to restrict access to all PS members until you stabilize.

  • They restricted Cheeks access! OMG
    What a tragedy! I probably would have banned him from the whole site if it was me. You don’t just go into a new place and start acting like and ass and expect to get away with it. These people don’t know you, they don’t know that you are joking. It just looks like some nut job is flipping out!

If you can’t see that this is a good thing and are against the change then I ask you to leave by clicking the X in the upper right hand corner. This change opens up new revenue streams for businesses, it gives you more people to sell and trade parts with, and it allows you the chance to meet new people with the same interest.

If you have any beef with the forum change, me, whatever. Address it in this thread and this thread only. Keep the BS out of the other forums.



---------- Post added at 10:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------

BUT in all seriousness, don’t punish all of pittspeed because I didn’t act how nyspeed thinks I should act. In my eyes thats another horrible knee jerk reaction from the moderation team. Let them do their thing and I’ll play nice until you unleash me again. Or at least I’ll try

So you edited my post?

I did that on purpose as a test to see if we could make fun of them on our own forum, not network-wide.

I see we can not…

Yeah I edited your post… deal with it. You are a 50+ year old man, act like one.

Who are you my mom?

I don’t care that you edited it…I just wanted to see if it would happen…and it did…that’s all…

nom. nom. nom. nom.

i didn’t even realize our accounts were restricted… i stopped going into the network section for obvious reasons

can we have an option in our settings to volunterly not be able to see the network sections?

There is an obvious clash of what we consider humor and what they consider offensive. I sure as hell know I’m going to be considered offensive (that guy even called me racist… wtf!).

I know when I come on to pittspeed, I always just hit “New Posts” and the network section always comes up. I want to post on just pittspeed, and don’t want to accidently go over to the part of the forum where we have to be “politically correct”.

If said option can not be made available, then just restrict me like Cheeks, from viewing the network section. As apparently, I do not play well with others (non-pittspeeders).

Here’s a thought… Maybe, just maybe you could cut out the BS and offensive nature out on pittspeed too? Then you will be safe on both forums.

ya like that will happen


Gents, I tried to smooth this over:


we’ll see how this goes. I’m expecting a lot of jobbing that I won’t be able to answer the pittspeed way, I’m gonna sit back and let er’ eat

John u did what u had to,I understand,Just want to click pittspeed.com,hit new post like i did two weeks ago,make that happin 4 me,Thanks!

Great posts by Whitey in this thread. Seriously. I’m hoping that after these growing pains this site gets back to how it was in 05/06. This site used to be the shit.

Shit talking when it’s car related is cool and funny but the continous cycle over the past 2-3 years of:

“Hi guys, my names (insert name) and I’m new to Pittspeed. I’ve got a (insert late model performance car here) and am looking to attend local events and talk cars with other car guys”
“HAHAHA he told that noob LOL!”

…got stupid and boring real fast as evidenced by the fact that the site went from hundreds of active members down to like 5.

Hope it turns around again.

Appreciate the post man.

My response from that thread:

guess i just had to hear it from the creator himself. I just enjoyed pittspeed being the only forum where we could all bash each other to any extent we want, and know that no one will take each other seriously. If you want pittspeed to be more pc, then so be it. This wasn’t/isn’t/nor ever will be my site, so it is not my decision to make. So I will treat pittspeed like any other forum I’m on, and leave the “questionable” material unsaid.

exactly what a douche with a NOS bottle tattoo would do

mustang do a burnout?

mustang blow a motor

yes. mustang do a burnout.

I am not asking you to be PC, I am asking that you move away from the extreme shit talking, degradation, etc., and move towards the helpful, informative, funny posts. This is a place where you can run in the gray and going to the extreme of either way is acceptable some of the time. You need to know and understand the limits. For instance, “I bet you suck dick for drift tires” to a dude that you know nothing about is extreme.

you suck dick for drift tires

well this is going to be a fun trial and error on what is considered extreme and what isn’t… apparently faggotry and sucking of the male genitals is too extreme.