Boys: Boxers, Briefs, or Boxer Briefs...

french cut


I just switched to boxer briefs and it’s the best thing ever.



boxers, have pondered the testing of boxer briefs, but havent taken the leap just yet.

banana hammock ftw

but seriously, <3 boxer breifs. makes my junk feel nice and cozy

I like bb… I have pics if anyone is interested.:smiley:


Boxers, I love the feeling when I get a wood and it rubs on the loose fabric…

Did I just post that?


A little too much information Steve :lol:

Varity is the spice of life. I do all three boxers and BB and comando.(NOT at the same time)

Boxer briefs, very comfy
I’ll still do the boxer thing from time to time, like when I refuse to do laundry.

But for the most part its been bb’s since leaving high school, never turned back.

Boxers unless I haven’t done laundry in a while. Then a day of freedom…


how come there are no options for leopard thongs? or just nothing at all?

personally i’m a boxer dude…need my room to roam around a bit…


andy we have some man thongs on sale at penney’s; i can hook u up with a sweet deal if u like and you can show them off to your lady police friend :wink:


Boxers always ride up my thighs and briefs are meant for the gym or babysitting.





gotta suppress the boner somehow.

o m g the babysitting comment.

guys should all wear boxers. if you have on the cartoon boxers or flannel ones- you arent getting laid. i’m putting you in front of xbox and making dinner.

but if you have on some stripped cute amercian eagle/abercrombie/aero boxers- its on.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:32,topic:52387"”]

o m g the babysitting comment.

guys should all wear boxers. if you have on the cartoon boxers or flannel ones- you arent getting laid. i’m putting you in front of xbox and making dinner.

but if you have on some stripped cute amercian eagle/abercrombie/aero boxers- its on.


How is this a losing situation? Either way get laid or get fed :smiley:


and boxers ftw

I sweat to much at work to have any kind of constriction


BB :tup:

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:32,topic:52387"”]

but if you have on some stripped cute amercian eagle/abercrombie/aero boxers- its on.


i am on my over i just have to stop by amercian eagle, abercrombie, and aero… and what if i am wearing more the one pair?


boxers if laundry needs to be done



boxers if laundry needs to be done


think of how much less laundry you would have to do if you just didnt wear them at all, and all the money you would save never having to buy them ever again. with compound interest you could be a millionaire.

I hate new underwear. Because Its always made in some shitty country, and I’m really uncomfortable letting something from Vietnam or Guam touch my penis. So I have to wash new underwear like 3 times before I wear it, and even then, im afraid of contracting some kind of penile ebola…

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:32,topic:52387"”]

but if you have on some stripped cute amercian eagle/abercrombie/aero boxers- its on.


Would it help if my collar was popped on my pink abercrombie shirt as well?

I’d hate to think i wasn’t getting any if I didn’t have some mainstream clothes on…