So I don’t remember this being done here yet, what the hell.
So I don’t remember this being done here yet, what the hell.
shit lol
bwahaha wow, well…
freeballin for life. do you have any idea how much money i will save in a lifetime by not paying for underware?
that… is… an entirely new level of cheap.
err, frugal.
no… cheap.
now…who will be the first to chose the tighty whities…MUHAHAHAHAHA
Yeah… Its like people who say “Do you have any idea how much money I can save by never changing the oil in my car!?”
and the time savings in the morning, or before getting into the shower, or getting naked with the ladies. its a win win situation.
denim > time savings.
holes in denim > time savings (i remember that thread)
boxers 4 L…boxerbriefs suck ass…too tight on my cock’nballs
yea … but what sucks is when your drunk at some party freeballin it … and you wind up in bed with some sloot thinking your getting laid that night
but INSTEAD she decided no sex on the “first date” and instead just wants to grind her hips on yours
you want to say stop … because denim rash sucks
but your to drunk to care … and its a hot bish grinding on you …
and the next day on the second date, your railin the shit out of her while tears roll down your face because your denim rashed sack is slappin her ass
fun times
not that its ever happened to me
theres something about talking with 80 other guys about what type of underwear i wear and why that doesnt agree with me.
i used to wear boxor breefs… cause I like the support. Then lately I’ve been realizing my 24hr support was causing more pain than anything… now I wear boxors.
but due to the recent change in preference… I have to wear my boxor breefs on occasion because my boxor supply is low. my balls hate me
uh, call it briefs.
Boxer briefs rock ass for everyday use
I go to the gym, and balls that hang really feel shitty when you are all sweaty from working out and they touch the side of your leg.
Boxers are fine tho.
Briefs suck