That I wore thin light kaki pants (almost white) with “loud” colored polka-dot boxers? :ohnoes:
Good taste? No
You’re taste?
just don’t spill code red on it. :ohnoes:
hahah… i can see you doing that
i want pics!
no, it’s funny.
my boxers are always hanging out of my pants… always, damn low rise pants.
i jsut LOL’d out loud
fag you just wanna show off your small dot.
it’s an interesting combination. you wore this to work?
Fuck yeah I wore it to work…it’s not like you can actually see unless you’re staring…the boxers are white with blue, etc… dots on them
I look SUPER today (hence the lunch meet to show off my sexyness)
lol get back to work
he’s not even here today
he took the day off to get tuned…tell ur boss
who wears underware
Zerodaze and i totally agree with you
I wish I worked with you. Todays goal would be to spill as much water on your lap as possible.
(then, dry-by-suction with my mouth)
ew. there are a select few people that can get away without wearing underwear. sorry guys, not y’all.
i just wear brown pants
i have gotten away with it for 12 years
edit, and do you realize how much money i will save never having to buy underware?
i wear underwear when i wear shorts, cause thats just rude, otherwise lowrise pants show way too much underwear to be acceptable, so none it is. my lowrise are so low i have to manscape too, its wied
ps i am sick of y’all, i want to punch everyone that says yall in the tailbone so they cant sit down for a week
well you are obviously the best person to make that judgment :roll: