How often do you change your underwear? POLL RESET


Boxer etiquette poll

I went 10 years without owning a single pair of boxers / briefs, grade 11 to shortly after my son was born about 2 years ago… and the only reason i do wear them is because i own a house now and may have to get up in the middle of the night to defend it and i don’t want to be naked if i have to do that.

the question here though is how often do you change your underwear?

Are you the type that changes it every day? perhaps due to trace amounts of anal leakage?

Or are you an iron man that an wait the better part of a month until people start to notice the smell or they start to discolour your jeans?

Poll coming.

at least every day…and usually twice because of going to the gym. The blood stains come out easier.


Josh i added an option for you…

fyi, i posted this poll because i realised i havent changed my underwear in about a week… i actually cant remember when i changed it last… plus i have turtles on my boxers so you know…

i think i only own 4 pairs of underwear in total… still building up the collection.

I change everymorning when i wake up … if I do yard work or anything were I would take a second shower in the day I get a new pair … so im a one a day m-f and a 2 a day on the weekends

even tho they are boxers and im sure you can go longer do to the fact they really dont touch anything (less the tip) and that does not smell or funk anything … so im sure one could go a day or 3 with out anyfunk type issues

I have not owned a pair of “tighys” in about 15 years … I also have not gone a day with out a “a tank(wife-beater undershirt)” in about 15 years also … both my oldest boys were boxers and a tanks

Daily. I tend to poop myself often.

meh, i do basically no physical exertion and keep my genitals and anus exceptionally clean…

I think every day, and every other day, should be two separate options. Every 1-2 days is a completely different ball game.

If you don’t change your underwear daily, unless by some extreme circumstances preventing you, there’s something wrong with you.

Every time I shower

i see that i need to force some change in my life.

this thread has delivered.

when you’re freeballing it in jeans, there is much potential for pain.

dudes should not go comando.


changed… oh man now the poll is all wacky.

you’d be surprised, i think you develop somewhat of a calus.

you should reset the poll


+1. The majority of us would move to the last option, once per day.


Can’t vote though.

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Looks like your moderator skills are right up there with your underwear changing skills. A little rusty.
