How often do you change your underwear? POLL RESET

omg i fucking fail sooo hard…

i need back up…


Hey, at least the board is still up.

nope, didnt work…

next he’s going to start daily reposts.

i added your votes back in manually.

anyways… shut up…

also… i have asked around the office… once per day is the norm.

i BBM’d one of my peer managers who is in an off site meeting with his team and 2 execs… he brought the topic up in the meeting with the execs present.

i then conference called my wife with 2 of my guys in the office with me… consensus is that i need to start changing my under wear more often…

this is a life changing thread my friends… i now realize i have a problem.

agreed. that makes the most sense.

Even if you keep your balls and ass clean, men sweat. That is the brutal reality. Even on my cleanest days, I will build up a good amount of ball sweat.

although its true, this isnt everyday for me sometimes though, what can i say.

which doesnt bother me in the least…unless youre about to hang out w a broad…you wash them nuts


yeah, I don’t shower just cause my nuts smell. There are plenty of times when I go longer than 24 hours without showering.

For weekends, I might shower on Friday morning before work. Then Saturday could just be a lazy day/doing house work. I am not gonna shower in the morning for that. I would probably wait till night time to shower. So at that point, I am pushing 36 hours or so on the same shower/underwear.

It all depends

BUT, I would NEVER shower, and then put back on the same pair of boxers.

bing, if you don’t do it everyday…atleast wear a manpon.

LOL at least you have a wife and are not looking for one this would be SIRIUS- BIZNESS( I know its spelled wrong)

at least you are with your wife now and you are not on the “hunt for new ones”


Every shower I change’m… So sometimes 2-3 times a day…


I change them when I shower, but I don’t always shower daily.

I will usually shower every morning before work. So Monday-Friday I do daily.

Over the weekends sometimes I don’t shower at all, so then I’m pushing 3 days.

Hell if I’m camping or something I’ll go a week with out showering but then I might change my undies about every 4 days if possible.

I also noticed I get more nut sweat when my balls are shaved over keeping them bushier.

As far as the type of unders I rock both boxers and boxer briefs.

Usually if I am going to the gym or know that I’ll be running biking etc i’ll go with the briefs, just so my junk does go flipping and flopping all over.

2 pair a day. one while i work, changed after work when i get out of the shower if im goin somewhere, if not im rubbing scivies. and who sleeps in there underoos anymore get with the times frenchy

i don’t see the logic in more than one pair per day unless you guys are excreeting massive amounts of BO, sweat, shit, pee etc.

if you recall from a prior, but similar thread (RE: wipping the tip), i likely do not do as much damage in my undies as you guys are…

still, i’m going to make a serious life change and start changing my underwear more often.

just get edible underwear and make your wife eat them off every night. It’s a win/win.

Wait… there are people who dont change them every day? Wtf.