How often do you change your underwear? POLL RESET

are you kidding? I have worn undies in 14 years.

since your creepy uncle ripped them off?


Nothing like fucking your crotch over by putting on a stanky pair of undies after getting all clean.


new pair everyday, then wehn i get home from work… i wear no underwear!!
and then if i go out i put on a new pair

i also won’t wear the same socks that i worked in again (i don’t sit in an office)

twice because of the gym. or I usually just get really sweaty.

at least daily.

I can’t believe how dirty some people are. This shouldn’t even be a thread. I change my boxers every day, unless I do something where I sweat a lot (Yard work, House work, ect…) then I will shower and change them again.

I wear no underwear because im always naked. Nudist insansity!!!

No really once a day, i sweat balls of fury.


I am with this guy.

I try to put freshies on every day when I go to work, but that seems to be the norm.

Sometimes I’m forced to re-wear, but it never bothers me too much. Idk, I don’t really shit my unds very often; I usually save that for the shower.

Oh, you know him too?

I wanted to make it easier for him.