
Next time I have soem time, Ill PM you and maybe we could ride… have fun, be safe and cant wait for the video

Sounds good brother :nod

nah hes wrong

tap the front brakes


lol we rode last week and got some decent footage but the rain messed out day up a bit.Probly gonna ride a few more times the compile all the footage into a nice vid. I still have to figure out how to get it on to my computer to edit it.

lol… is it good footage? get it on dvd to the lot and i’ll take it and edit it :smiley:

yeah its pretty good its not all video worthy but thats why we have to do a few days of taping to get it all…I cant ride perfect all the time :). That sounds like a plan though once i get everything i want on film and then to dvd ill give you a shot at making the film.

k sounds good, as long as I can get all my work done on time :slight_smile: