Finally got the balls

Finally got the balls to try a power wheelie on my new bike. I did many a wheelie on the SV i had first but for some reason they scared me on this…pulled it up for a few seconds a couple times today…pointless post but I’m happy I finally tried.

power wheelies are big no no’s. Theres no reason to start doing wheelies at 20 and drop them at 90

learn how to clutch it and always cover the back brake.

Power wheelies look way cooler than clutch :rofl

ya im still nervous about clutching up and having it rip up. Even with the sv clutching it it would take some effot and it wouldnt RIP up…

I was told power wheelies are the first step to learning clutching up. I start the wheelie at about 30 and hold at about 40-45 a few seconds. I will learn though

I disagree. I never use the clutch and I can pop them at 40 45

Once you get used to clutching up second, you will stay away from power wheelies.

I know how to clutch wheelies I just never use the clutch

To each his own, but in general clutching is preferred as a more predictable, controllable way.

well power wheelies and bliping the throttle is a lil diff. being able to do a constant speed and bring it up to the balance point is the wat to do it though

Power wheelies are i think just like I said wide open and when you hit the power itll pop up and you just bring it up…But on my sv when wias learning toget it up…all i had to do was boom for a second and it would come straight up

You don’t have to be WOT to do a power wheelie. You definitely need to have the r’s up to do them though.

just figured out this today.

u dont need to wind it out to clutch them up though

yea i dont even know where to begin with the clutch.

When i vaguely attempt to pop the clutch its such a violent rip on this bike I get nervous and dont do it lol

what kind of bike is it?

I am no expert yet on 2 wheels, but I will throw in m y 2 cents.

It depends on what you are trying to pull off. If you want to walk a slow controlled wheelie, you are clutching it up… unless you are rocking out a 5X tooth rear gear, then you can power it up. If you want to just lift the front wheel at higher speed, but dont want to balance it and ride it out for ever, wack on the gas and pull it back with your body as it starts to lift, and controll it a little with the throttle.

Some people say start with power wheelies, becasue it wont come up as quick, and is more predicable. You are not learning how to “wheelie” you are learning the balance point of the bike. Get it there HOWEVER you feel like you can.

Watch a GP race, they “power wheelie” out of corners and over rises. you never hear them clutch it up.

wronng, never “pull” on the bars to do a wheelie, you will be in a world of hurt. no matter how hard you try and you think you are pulling up even, you are not. you can preload the front suspension and bounce them up though, just NEVER pull to do a wheelie, you will learn fast that if you go yankin on the bars to pull the front wheel up, you end up goin left or right reallly fast

moto gp is a whole diff story, they are not tryin do do a wheelie

you are correct, I should have put a bit more explination into my last comment. I didnt mean to just yank the bars to your face and gass it, lol. You could set up the front forks soft compression and fast rebound to get the most pop. but like Allstar mentioned, to preload it, dont slam the bars down and expect it to spring back up into a wheelie, becasue you will have the same issue with unequal pressure/weight as just yanking the bars up. It is all feel. From my MX background, me “pullin the bars” is a slight throttle drop -> weight the forks -> slight throttle increase -> unweight forks and apply some lift on the bars -> give it gas. Same for seat bouncing jumps, think of it as an endo at the lip of a jump! lol.

bottom line, is just do what you feel comfy doing, progress, and try other styles.