2003 Protege is due for it’s 3rd complete set of brakes. Granted, she doesn’t wash her car so it’s not surprising but still. Averaging 12k between brake changes? :bloated: She bought the car new and last spring was the only time it has passed inspection without needing at least 1 axle’s worth of brakes.
Once again the disks are all chewed up so time for new pads and rotors all the way around.
I’m doing it myself this time so I can make sure the sliders get polished to a shine and then greased properly. Neverminding the lack of durability, her car has always stopped well and I want to maintain that so I don’t catch hell, if nothing else. Is there any reason to not use the cheapest rotors that Advance Auto sells?
What about pads? Recommendations for a cheap pad for a girl to go A->B without hugely sacrificing performance or dusting?
bendix brake pads…i’m not sure about their current warranty policies, but when i purchased my pads for my integra, they were lifetime warranty. havnt paid for pads in the past 4 years. If shes chewing them up that fast, i’d see if it is still like that.
No kidding. Never thought lifetime warranties on parts like that were worth anything…
seriously…i’m in advanced auto for no more than 5 minutes and i’m out with a new set of pads. i’m not sure though if they are still going lifetime. worth a shot imo. goodluck
There are still lifetime pads available. I also have lifetime on mine. Also don’t buy valucraft! Total junk. I have bought 2 sets of rotors from them that were not flat, and 1 out of round set of drums. Their quality control sucks @ss.