Brand new GT-R v stock FD.


Autoplace delivered a silver one last week. KCuv sent me pics of him and his dad looking at it and sitting in it as it sat in their delivery / service area.

Steven, Your car is slow and stalls out too much :stuck_out_tongue:

to end the debate on if it exists in buffalo, here is a picture of it from our lobby with our logo on the door serving as the “penny”.

done and done, it’s a gtr, lots of more expensive cars in buffalo.

chino with the photochop!


Chino WTF is Scimanydonan? Sounds Scandinavian?

don’t worry fry, only gay & bi curious men work there.

i stand corrected maybe there are “important” people in buffalo :picard: funny seeing as how this city blows some serious ass but i guess the rich stay rich and the rest of us, well you know…

Or maybe it doesn’t blow serious ass. :shrug:

There’s new money in Buffalo too. coughclarencecough

yea just because it was being delivered there doesnt mean its someone from buffalo…i spoke with the sales manager there last year and asked what the deal was with the new GT-R’s when they came out, he said “we’ve got all the ones sold that we’re getting in” and i said anyone around this area? and he said no, out of state customers and then he went to joke about no one in this area having that kinda money…sooo who knows

meh i was refering to buffalo as a whole city, not just the suburbs…yea clarence is “new money” doctors, lawyers etc…clarence is taking over as the “rich” town, used to be williamsville/east amherst…

…work at sears?


Yea, you may not realize it but there is alot of money in WNY as a whole… not just spaulding lake or the newest hot spot.

everybody thinks that their immediate area couldnt possibly have rich, important, talented or smart people in it which is silly.

funniest thing ive seen though involving folks with money. there is a house near lockport/middleport and the owner had a ferarri, then two MB’s and now a bentley and, yup you guessed it, the creme de la creme, a hyundai tiburon in the driveway. lol


lol… grand scheme of things the owner doesn’t even really make that much money, just a good amount for the area. Low cost of living can get you some nice material objects that otherwise would go towards a 5K monthly mortgage payment elsewhere.

its sub 100K, again, plenty of more expensive cars in buffalo. lol

yea i dont understand the big deal…

everytime you see a BMW 7 series or MErcedes S class, you dont shit yourself. and those cars can easily get close to or eclipse GTR pricing…

some people

If I lived in Buffalo making what I make here in Boston, I’d have a gtr also. I prefer the better lifestyle here though :slight_smile:

100k isnt all that rich imo… just saying

+1 you’d think it was a fucking Veyron the way people are talking

+1 you’d think it was a fucking Veyron the way people are talking