Breaking News: Police, Sheriffs, ATF on Sonwil drive (airport), Helicopters overhead

Somethings going down about 1000 ft from our building, police with rifles running into the woods, helicopters hovering overhead, etc.

This is across from the airport on sonwil drive.

Nothing on the news sites yet.

helicopters near the airport???


I bet sedlmeier101 is involved…


:clap: :lol:



next post…

I got chased by the cops…what do i do…


But it’s the damn cop’s fault.

damnit…news site needs to get info…im curious now

niko went into the airport again…instant 5 stars.

You guys are terrible, lol.

I saw a few choppers overhead on my way home.

Look… I KNOW i was in the wrong, but i don’t think it’s fair that they sent ATF at me just because i was playing with rocket launchers and claymore mines in the woods by the airport. Is there a towel on my head? NO.
I was even polite to them, and they STILL held guns to my head. And hey, um guys? My wrists are bruised from the handcuffs. Thanks for that, assholes.
Anyway I’m not trying to bitch, i’m just saying i think it’s bullshit that they can arrest you for practically ANYTHING these days.


what pd would be covering this?


yeah i seen a copter pass over head earlier



i saw a pretty sweet heli this morning hovering over amherst…Flat Black…looked evil.

I didn’t see any identification markings though.

I saw this also it seamed to be following (slowly) the power lines that run thru tonawanda

next post by seidle…
Another rough day today…

my aunt lives in depew by the airport, she said they were on her street and told her to stay in the house and lock her doors. She said the SWAT team was all over her street with rifles and helicopters overhead too.