"brights" (headlights) on 04 Ford Focus

2004 Ford Focus

The brights are always on. The lever does not push forward to keep brights on and when pulled back the brights continue to stay on. The indicator light on the dash stays on constantly. Sorry for the vague description but this is what I was told over the phone. Is this a common problem? I’m going to assume this is the switch in the steering column.

Anyone have any experience taking these steering columns apart. I’m assuming the steering wheel needs to be removed to take the shroud off.

Any feedback from past experience or any other ideas on what the problem could be would be appreciated.

Could be a shot relay.

i don’t think you’d have to take the steering wheel of to get to the column just looks for screws underneath they are usually hidden well to take the steering wheel off you need liek a gear puller or something and thats alot of work on its own

make sure if you go that route though you UNPLUG your battery or your airbag will give you a first round knock out if not

you do not need to pull the steerin wheel.


you do not need to pull the steerin wheel.


i didn’t think you would need to either


i don’t think you’d have to take the steering wheel of to get to the column just looks for screws underneath they are usually hidden well to take the steering wheel off you need liek a gear puller or something and thats alot of work on its own

make sure if you go that route though you UNPLUG your battery or your airbag will give you a first round knock out if not


I’m not planning on taking the steering wheel out. Yeah I’m pretty sure I will need a gear pull. It just seems like a pretty big pita. As far as the shroud, I’m not sure, I will have to take a look. i would have thought it would have screws and split, but I want to say that the newer cars are one piece.

I didn’t know that there was a relay on the brights, I will have to locate it and test it. This won’t be until saturday.

Thanks for the responses. :tup:

screws and splits. i assure you. ill take a look and let you know whats up. 35bucks an hour.

Idk if the problem is fixed yet or not, but I heard of a bad ground leading up to things being mis-wired. i.e.- something else controlling your brights that isnt supposed to control it.

dirtye30: Thanks, but I’ll be alright.

TheKID: This isnt my car and I won’t have a chance to look at it until saturday. I’m just trying to get some ideas of the possiblilities causing this problem. Good call on checking the grounds.

i say your combination switch is fucked. like its broken/stuck on the high beams