"brights" (headlights) on 04 Ford Focus


i don’t think you’d have to take the steering wheel of to get to the column just looks for screws underneath they are usually hidden well to take the steering wheel off you need liek a gear puller or something and thats alot of work on its own

make sure if you go that route though you UNPLUG your battery or your airbag will give you a first round knock out if not


I’m not planning on taking the steering wheel out. Yeah I’m pretty sure I will need a gear pull. It just seems like a pretty big pita. As far as the shroud, I’m not sure, I will have to take a look. i would have thought it would have screws and split, but I want to say that the newer cars are one piece.

I didn’t know that there was a relay on the brights, I will have to locate it and test it. This won’t be until saturday.

Thanks for the responses. :tup: