BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ill be there, i only live a minute from the stadium

lol… like most Bills games?


lol… like most Bills games?


:gotme: dunno… never seen an empty stadium… im from steeler country :stuck_out_tongue:

ahh steeler country…where our QB rides a bike with no helmet and crashes!!!


ahh steeler country…where our QB rides a bike with no helmet and crashes!!!


HEY HEY HEY… enough of those shenanigans… it was the old ladys’ fault lol


If this goes down, Im in. They should all be played outside. I hope it starts snowing right when the game starts too, it would be awesome.

Bumping this up. Co-worker sent me this photo today.
This was a picture taken today or yesterday…

WOOT! All signals are pointing to go.

:tup: :tup:

damn blocked photobucket…

anyway… skunk get me that ticket and ill be there

I attached the pic


I attached the pic


youre a good man!!

oh shit its on!!! i seriously cant wait… im gonna need a place to stay when i get up there. probably will come up a couple days before nye


Bumping this up. Co-worker sent me this photo today.
This was a picture taken today or yesterday…

WOOT! All signals are pointing to go.


Yes indeed. This was a few days ago (tuesday I believe). They are scrambling like crazy to figure all of this stuff out. They are trying to figure out how many rows they will not be able to use. With the elevated rink off of the field and the height of the boards a number of rows will not be able to see anything. They have to figure out line of sight and then negotiate ticket priority.

Right now it looks like sabres season holders and then bills season holders. Obviously discussions about pitt season holders as well but not so much.

I want tickets to this. Nappy tell me how to make it happen.


I want tickets to this. Nappy tell me how to make it happen.


Obviously I’m going to secure as many tickets as possible for me and my peeps, duh. I’m going to try and get some for your old man too.

Well, as I believe many of the sabres fans are going to be jumping off the bandwagon this year, just immagine The Ralph packed with people all waiting for this date for a half a year.

I bet we would would sell it out right, that would be an NHL record

Tell me why it has to be Detroit or Pittsburgh? Pittsburgh because of that fucking crybaby Crosby? NBC (Nothing But Crosby) would carry it right? Oh but if it is Detroit, it is for Hasek and the almighty Lidstrom. Emrick sucks their cocks.

Play a real fucking team worth playing like Ottawa, Rangers, fucking Philly or even Carolina! Teams we hate! Not Pittsburgh with the supposed second coming of Christ or fucking Detroit? We play them what…once a year? Why should get a cool game like that? I hate both fucking teams.


Tell me why it has to be Detroit or Pittsburgh? Pittsburgh because of that fucking crybaby Crosby? NBC (Nothing But Crosby) would carry it right? Oh but if it is Detroit, it is for Hasek and the almighty Lidstrom. Emrick sucks their cocks.

Play a real fucking team worth playing like Ottawa, Rangers, fucking Philly or even Carolina! Teams we hate! Not Pittsburgh with the supposed second coming of Christ or fucking Detroit? We play them what…once a year? Why should get a cool game like that? I hate both fucking teams.


think about it… the nhl needs ratings, buffalo is a great hockey town so why not have it there… as for your opponent, its not as much as teams you hate, its what will draw the most viewers. being from pittsburgh aside, if i was just a hockey fan, why would i want to watch anyone but crosby play… he is one of the hottest players to see right now, hes already being billed as the next gretzky, and the savior of hockey. its all about publicity and what will bring the most viewers. no one cares to see philly or carolina play against buffalo, ill admit the rangers would be a good game to see, but the bright shining star right now is crosby, like it or not

i may of missed something, but where does detroit come into play ?

Some video of the mock rink.

I’ll be back in town Sunday and when I get back to work on Tuesday i’ll post up any new info from the Bills end about this.