Bringing back the movie quote thread............

Bob: They’re gonna shoot at us, aren’t they?
Nick: Probably, Bob. It’s what they brought the guns for

I don’t know what they’re gonna do to you, but since Mr. T ain’t here, I’ll be too busy licking their boots to see

Dave, it wasn’t meant to happen. Come on, I’ll go buy you some ho-ho’s

He was my C.O. in NAM. CIA listed him as M.I.A. but the V.A. ID’d him and so we put out an APB.

So after we paid for the Ranger Two Fifty C, the hotel room, fixing the Barracuda, food, clothes, ride home, we have a grand total of $42.00 profit.

damn i suck, i dont know any of these yet

wow you do suck… me and kurt arent even throwin out tough ones yet

“i fixed your nitro”

Why don’t you stick that welding torch in my ear, and call it the end of a perfect day.

couple from teh same one:

Socrates said, the unexamined life is not worth living. My dad said, “Booty - mmm mmm.”

My dad’s third heart attack, he’d gotten so good at them, he decided to drive himself to the hospital because ‘They won’t let me smoke in the ambulance!’ and ‘You can’t make a burger run.’

So, I’m at the board meeting and my secretary runs in. 'Your boyfriend called, they’ve got a hostage. I swear that I am a lesbian, and excuse myself to the bathroom. I’ve been peeing for forty minutes!

It should be a law. Everyone should have to own a gun. In fact, if you get caught outside your house without your gun, you get a ticket. And you get shot in the leg. Just to prove their point.

You built me a cop magnet! I might as well be a black guy driving a large powdered doughnut!

Look Dad, I’m gonna be an astronaut.
Oh yeah? Good. 'Cause my beer is weightless. Why don’t you launch over to planet refrigerator and get me another one.


U two need to get a life:eek4dance

dont google this one, see if anyone remembers the greatest film of 1991

I figure you gotta be the dumbest guy in the world, Joe. You’re trying the save the life of the man who ruined your career, and avenge the death of the guy that fucked your wife.

No lcue…but i didn,t google the last one dickcheese:moon:

last boy scout?


Bet twenty thousand! Did I stutter? Everyone got all quiet 'n shit. About a minute ago it was like an evening at The Apollo up in this mother fucker now all of a sudden it’s quiet as a church.

Well I’m a mushroom-cloud-layin’ motherfucker, motherfucker! Every time my fingers touch brain I’m SUPERFLY T.N.T, I’m the GUNS OF THE NAVARONE

“Everytime I drive my volvo to beverly hills they tow the shit.”


Your mom talking when u lived in CALI!:burnout: