Broke/cracked/bent S-10 rear end wanted...

As the title says I’m lookin for a dead S-10 (or equivelent) rear axle to practice welding to. I want to see if my welder will penetrate far enough or if I’ll have to rent (or borrow) one. If you have an old junk one layin around I’ll come snag it. Thanks! :mrT:

looks like you need to call brian

my friend has one, its not fucked up tho, its fine, he might let it go cheap cheap tho

got a few for n/c

Are they at JJs? if so I’ll come down some weekend and snag them.

no there in WV!!!


When are you gonna be there this weekend? I should have a truck to use.

John if you need to borrow the Dakota let me know… I’ll be at my camp you can just take it down to pick up the rear end…

Rhino Liner = teh win.

Thanks Sean, I appreciate the offer. I should be able to take my dads truck. He also has a little trailor that I could take if my mom’s passport is here. If all else goes wrong I’ll give you a call.

happy practiceing

practiceing maykes prefecte!