Bros, dust, perky underaged tits, and fiberglass abuse: Drifthustle LVD 8/14 event


Fizzle are you riding down with me again?

so is your face

you shut your whore mouth when you’re talking to me

then I wouldnt be talking to you would I…soooo we taking your car this time? I have all day off…gotta run up to ACC in the morning but I’ll be ready to go around 1.

I totally don’t mine taking the rolla either.

na it’s cool thanks though.

but if you take the rolla that means ron cant hardpark his car next to all the drift cars and look like hes mad JDM Drift status :rofl

I love you ron

Hmm the carolla-coster might be a good idea since i’m going to have a set of tits with me. Idk how happy they would be to cram in the back seat of my car. We’ll see

My car cant even hard park right. No tv’s, no strobes

you are such a goddamn liar.

Ron, since when do wimmenz opinions or feelings matter?

+1 Never seen you give a damn about a woman’s thoughts.

I have a bad back so sympathy pain from sitting mushed up somewhere always clouds my judgement

Does she have a bad back? No?
Then smush her and make her massage yours.

I have yet to ever meet a girl who can give a good back massage. Girls are worthless at back massages. They either just pinch your shoulders or have hand seizures on your back and comment on how hard your muscles are.

Of course they are hard nimrod, they are fucking spasming cause I have a bad back, you’re supposed to rub them till it feels better. FUCK

Are you on the phone at work or just that angry? I’ve never seen your typing so awful before. :lol

haha I was on the phone + Rage

OH FML I forgot…

Someone got a helmet I can use as well? I have a pretty big head soo

A friend of mine is comming up with his DSLR… he take some alright photos… he needs a little work but hell deff take some…

In between runs or if my car breaks ill be out there taking pictures myself with his camera

Jeff has a XL helmet is that big enough? :LOL

ron, if you want to use my camera u can, i might be busy doing other things there.

btw is there a link to what gets teched and can i just pay that day for drifting? i prob wont know untill thursday if my car is capable of it, btw if anyone wants amusement get ahold of me thursday.

Benny, 'Kenzie says you have to take me 'cause he has a man date that day.

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