Buckle up: Christian gaming just went mainstream.

Left Behind: Eternal Forces

a co worker showed me this, I figured some of you would enjoy

i’m still holding out for an ethnic cleansing game that will use the quake engine.


Wasnt that a game series for genesis and sega-cd? where you could do fatalities and shit?

edit: n/m that was eternal champions :stuck_out_tongue:

How about the doom engine instead?

the world would be happy, and god would be able to take a rest from having mortals lick his spiritual asshole in a vain attempt to get into heaven


Oh man…newman. Sometimes I love you :stuck_out_tongue: that was soo wrong but soo funny

get in line.


LOL Jeff (sio1) just showd me a pic he took on his camer phone the other day of a christian DDR game. I lol’d