

I seriously hope people don’t read this thread and think the answer to their problems is keeping their money in envelopes.


erh…just cash all checks and put it on ur bank…

then, hide the debit card somewhere…don’t bring it with you…


set up the automatic payment for most the bills…and set it up directly to your checking account…where you manage the amount of money from home (online access)


get only a small amount of cash…$20~$40 from the bank and put it on ur wallet…and tell urself, “this is the only amount of money i can spend…”

u’ll naturally reduce many possibilities of spending the money on useless crap…

Yeah, walter is right. Its called a bank. Envelopes are not fire or theif safe!

Sigh… yeah I just have zero discipline with myself, I think thats 75% of the problem. The other 25% is blowing it on shit I don’t need…

Thanks for all the input,

BTW Jack—How long has your grl been at this place? I guarantee she has been there for years and not months, because no one just started at a place is gonna be that rich from tips. She is probaly one of the ones that stay there all night, I think serving will work for me if I get to work nights during school, that’s where the money is…it just needs to be saved and not spent

I dunno I have a friend who started at Fridays and is making assloads

yeah my budget is $0 and my bills are aolittle over $500…due 2 weeks ago…their gona cancel my car insurance next week.



Yeah your right. Cause when I’m out drinking the envelopes at home are much more accessible that my ATM card. Whats your positive input on the matter? Your on your own, with a pimp job, and obviously living the life of a pimp… so whats your secret?

Actually the money is both fireproof and theif safe (in a fireproof safe. I use the same thing the bank uses… only my tech support doesn’t come from India.

She has been there for like 5 years or so, but she has made great money since day one. Right now she makes more than what her masters will get her being an elementary teacher. She would be silly to leave for less. So she wqill probably keep weekends and maybe a couple nights.

For those of you who say keep it in the bank… you either a - have self control, or no money. or b - don’t have an ATM card.

I make a hell of a lot more money than I used to, and I have nothing to show for it.

Well you pretty much answered your own question Talia. It really comes down to financial discipline. You know those times when youre out and drinks are 3/4 bucks a piece and you know you should save the money but you just say F it and get wasted? Yeah thats a killer right there :smiley:

Your problem is not so much how much you make, as you dont have any huge bills, its really in what you do with the cash that you do make. Theres been alot of great suggestions here by everyone (and a few :bloated: ones) but the bottom line is you have to be hard on yourself and live with just the bare essentials until you get your head above ater again. Bare essentials = gas, car payment/insurance, money for lunch (go to tops and buy bread and ham, make sandwiches :smiley: ) Do this for even one month, and youll be surprised what a difference it can make.

I have a good job, not great IMO, but i can guarantee you definately wouldnt see me rolling around in my cobra with it paid off this fast if i did not practice what i preach. Just some food for thought, email me about it if you wanna talk about it some more :slight_smile:

It seems like you complain in every thread you post in.

Just so I am not completely off topic here is a link that I downloaded some spreadsheets off of, and they have other debt related advice.


I was in this same predicament a few years ago, going to school and trying to make the car payment, rent, utilities, all that. What I do now is I have a spreadsheet of all my monthly bills with their due dates for each month. Every paycheck I get I go through and pay off as many as I can, and most weeks I only have like $40 left to spend on myself (which went to gas and food). You’d be amazed at how much you can save if you dont’ go out to eat and go out drinking. If you still want to drink, hey, most of us do, stay in and invite a few friends over, cause you can pick up a 6 pack for the same cost at a single drink at the bars. I’ve recently moved in with my fiance so I can save $400 a month on rent and utilites, that way I can get caught up and actually start saving some money.

My credit card company breaks down the type of expenditures for me. Go figure that about 90% of them say “automotive expense”…

These are great suggestions… When I was still working my old job, I cut way back on my food expenses, to the point of eating Ramen Noodles for one of my meals pretty much every day, drinking water instead of pop, and not going out. (Yeah, right, like I ever go out… :lol: ) Getting a roommate can cut your monthly bills in half. Getting two can cut your bills to 30% of what you had. I was seriously considering taking on a roommate for a while, but I’ve got so much shit in this place now that it would be difficult to find space to put it all just so I could free up one bedroom.

As for booze, why pay all that money for something your just going to piss out an hour later anyway? :stuck_out_tongue:

stop smoking pot and drinking every night…ive found that helps