Buffalo area snowboarders?

My old stomping grounds. It’s alright. It’s great when it’s only 15 minutes from your house and everything else is 45+ min.

how far is peek and peak?

about an hour and a half from EA.

$99 though…

I think I’m going to holiday tomorrow (tuesday) at 1

and for all those bitching about the ice -buy a magne-traction

I’m putting this back to the top for tomorrow. I want to get out before noon if anybody’s interested.

I just got back from holiday, it was awesome! great conditions. perfect snow, awesome coverage, very little ice. if anything it was too warm (almost 30).

holiday has some NICE boxes this year on moonshadow (right next to sunrise)

not just roll to boxes. gap to box. shits hot

word. it looks like it might be a pretty wild set up this year. for some reason, i thought a tail press would be a good idea on my first day back out, and i paid for it on said boxes.

Ill be at HV tonight around 4…

lol last season my first time out first time hitting a box i tried a 50-50 to backside lipside and slid right out on my tailbone. shit sucked.

I want to do nose-presses on the uphill joint

i was scared to try anything after that spill. it hurt my wrist pretty good, and i don’t have health insurance. it was 50-50’s for the rest of the night.

if you nose press up a rail and i see it, IOU blowjob.

lol you should hang out with my friends and i. i have no health insurance as of the 14th of jan. well anyways we tie a rope to the back of his truck and go Tow boarding through the nasty streets of west necca. dirty dirty ones like flohr bellwood and thorndale. sometimes we hit up the park at the end of the street. two nights ago we wer in the apartments behin wimbledon. so sick. we have ample snow and plan on goping again tonight. pm me if your down. if you dont wanna worry bout scuffin yo shit son, you can use my board. its a 159 and i wear a size 11 in it. works good. we also have a normal premier snowskate and a bilevel one.

no takers???

OMG. so in. dirty call me. 597.5027.

TOWBOARDING NOW!!! dan i called you, youre probably sleeping because youre probably acting your age because you have a job in the morning. but if by chance you are not… WERE GOING TOWBOARDING!!! 803-4687. do it.

post pics or vids… be safe lol

lol. i just got your voicemail. i was actually at work for the midnight vista launch. i got really excited when i heard your message, but i have class in the morning. if we get this again tomorrow night, i could probably do it.

the fucking camera died.

should get some more rope and hang a little further back

i was doing this once when i was 17, we had 2 tow lines, me and my buddy were boarding at the same time. he fell, driver stopped, u can figure out the rest.

i want to use the rope with only one anchor point instead of two, but as far as making it longer it would be less responsive and in that deep ass powder you need a fast acting rope.