Buffalo family may own a missing Michelangelo.


“In reality, this painting was even more beautiful than the versions hanging in Rome and Florence. The truth was this painting was much better than the ones they had. I had visions of telling them that there was this crazy guy in America telling everyone he had a Michelangelo at home,” Forcellino said.

A scientific analysis of the painting proved that the Michelangelo claim was not so crazy.

Forcellino told The Post that infrared and X-ray examinations of the painting – on a 25-by- 19-inch wood panel – show many alterations made by the artist as he changed his mind, and an unfinished portion near the Madonna’s right knee.

“The evidence of unfinished portions demonstrate that this painting never, never, never could be a copy of another painting,” Forcellino said. “No patron pays in the Renaissance for an unfinished copy.”

Absolutely staggering. Could be worth tens, if not hundreds of millions. :eek:


jackpot if so.

NYS will be happy to get some tax monies


Not until it’s sold.

i would totally gift it to a relative outside of NY then sell it… just to give them the big “fuck you” to NYS. knowing full well that that move would be made public.

This is Buffalo you already know this CAN’T end well.

So wait, Dave Basil owns facebook and has an art collection?
