Buffalo latest stupidity: "We are the end of the Erie Canal"

So it seems Sam Hoyt needs a few more taxpayer dollars to line his pockets with. He’s trying to get Buffalo named as the official end of the Erie Canal, which would then steal millions of Canal Authority dollars away from Tonawanda and drop it in Buffalo’s coffers. In case you don’t know, Tonawanda is where the canal currently ends, when it dumps into the Niagara River.

He’s doing this regardless of that fact that in 1920 Buffalo decided to fill in their portion of the canal with dirt, and build a highway over it. The canal used to parallel the Niagara River and end at Buffalo harbor near HSBC.

He’s also doing this despite the fact that if you want to take your boat down the canal, and want to follow the old canal route to reach Buffalo, you’d need to trailer it about 15 miles down the 190.

Sorry jackass, but Tonawanda has done a great job making the end of the canal a real destination for boaters. Go up there pretty much any night, especially during canal days or the canal concerts, and boats are tied up 2-3 deep on both sides of the canal. Until you dig up the entire canal, and make it possible to actually get to Buffalo by boat via the canal, you are not the end of the canal.

Hopefully Spitzer will tell him he’ll gladly sign this, if and only if Buffalo digs up the entire thing and makes it navigable by boat.




ahhh… good ol buffalo does it again

That’s retarded.

“We want to be called the end of the Erie Canal.”
“But the Erie Canal doesn’t end there.” :uhh:

I would like to find all the legislators that passed a law claiming that a body of water ends where it doesn’t, and choke them.

So if the law states that it ends in Buffalo, is the canal going to get arrested for unlawful termination?

I think I’m going to make a big wooden picard and beat Sam Hoyt with it. :slight_smile:

I cant believe the shit these people in office come up with. Im so sick of these people…I think we should take a chance and clean house and put some average working class people in office. They DEF. couldnt do anything more foolish that what these idiots think up.

OK, I feel better now.

If the money was going to be used for something constructive in Buffalo, I wouldn’t have nearly as much of a problem with this. However, we all know the money will be pissed away.

i want my house to be named the end of the erie canal.

Seriously, if all you people support it and get them to bring it to a vote, ill devote 50% of all funds received to free kegs.

our tax dollars at work!

Great before you know it they will have toll booths up!!

What a fucking joke. People in and around that area are going to freak if this passes.

we all know that hoyt needs money to create his quilt of ben franklin’s.


While I agree with you on the current end of the Erie Canal, your constant bashing of Buffalo is getting tiresome.


While I agree with you on the current end of the Erie Canal, your constant bashing of Buffalo is getting tiresome.


When they get their heads out of the asses, I promise I’ll stop.

What other city would try to claim the end of a navigable canal was 15 miles from where it stops being navigable?

Maybe Binghamton should claim the 90 actually ends there, so they can get some thruway dollars.

I would love to see Buffalo turn around, but they constantly shoot themselves in the foot. You see sparks of a turnaround in the waterfront, even though it’s mostly still just talk. You see a big turnaround on Hertel. But unless the city residents look at the stupid decisions their leaders continue to make and demand change, it will always remain a huge mess.

They get a police chief who honestly wants to take on serious crime, but then the rank and file are pissed about contract disputes so they move on to harassing citizens with 3mph over tickets.

They get a school superintendant who really wants to change the schools for the better, and the union fights him every step of he way.

They sue because the Seneca’s decide to build their casino in Cheektowaga instead of Buffalo, win, then turn around and sue to stop the Seneca’s from building a casino in Buffalo.

Bryon Brown looks at a video of is own kid walking away from an accident and says, “No way it could be my kid”. No parent wouldn’t recoginize their kid, regardless of how fuzzy the video was.

The housing authority wants to buy a luxury SUV so their president can tour the projects in style.

They make a big buzz about Ikea, only for channel 2 to call Ikea and have them flat out say, “No way we’d ever build in Buffalo”.

Two words… Peace Bridge.

Shall I go on? :wink:

It’s just too easy. :slight_smile: