Buffalo Police Exam

i saw a ton of people i knew there. a couple board members. who was there that i didn’t see?

BTW: that test was easy as fuck

i know who to call when…, someone trys to hit me when i step out in front of them… good luck.

i was there, poopra was there, and g60gti was also there (i think he is on this board)

I went as well. It was easy, but expect half of the people who were taking th test to fail the part II.

:word: the first part was to make sure you weren’t an idiot the second is what was going to thin the heard.

I’m just kind of sad I’m not black I’d almost be guaranteed the job.

Bunch of guys from my work took it. No thanks. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/refuse.gif

Mike, did they say when you would know how you did?

Officer FREEK? :ohnoes:

i hear ya on that, but how funny was it when that lady tweeked out when people were in the bathroom during the directions

well from what i’ve been told the hiring process take 2-3 years total from date of test to sign on.

so for test results i heard 2-4 months most likely

no she was tweaked because she had to climb stairs to get to the podium.

did you see her fat ass weeble wooble up them!

lol probably not … like i said i’m not black or hispanic. half the job openings were allotted to minorities. not to mention the classes paid for by the city for blacks only (unofficially) for passing the exam.
what’s funny was out of the over 3K applicants 75% were white at LEAST

Not true is you think about it. Some of them wont pass the psych, PT, polygraph. If they do they wont get out of the academy.

As for the time frame. God no it won’t take that long. They were looking to get some of the top scorers from this group in the upcoming academy this summer/fall.

50 jobs 26 of which are allotted for minority only that was the word from top brass in BPD

september ftw i heard some insider information

Over the next 3 years 100-150 positions will need to be filled due to retirement and shortage. Word from a few recruiters, and 3 current Lieutenants.

i would rather work at burger king then sell out and be a cop

well then i hope your ok making 12k a year

i was there. 350 jobs in the next two years. also, there will be about 75-100 people getting hired by september.

lol, are you serious? I realize that flipping burgers is much more prestigeous than mellowing out and driving around all day makind 40K+ a year with full benefits. :bonk:

i heard the numbers are much more lopsided than that…mind you they postponed the exam b/c not enough women and minorities signed up for the exam…

this is very similar to the state trooper exam 2 years ago where they admitted 90% of applicants to be hired would be minorities…


I was there. The last two exams I took as a practice as well took about 6 months to get results.

They are all easy. The hardest part of these exams wasn’t even part of the BPD exam, except behavioral I guess.