Customs and Border Protection

Well after several years since applying, taking the exam, drug screens, physicals, polygraphs, interviews, background investigations, fitness tests, waiting and more waiting, a job offer for Customs and Border Protection came through for me for Buffalo/Niagara Falls. Even after they offered me Maine, I deferred so I could be local, and it worked out!

“Pre-Academy”, begins Dec 16 and my FLETC academy training begins Jan 29 in Brunswick, GA. I’m extremely excited to get started but also quite nervous, hence the reason for this thread.

I am curious to know who on NYSpeed is a CBP officer, if anyone. (other than Mingle and Walker <3) Id like to get an idea of what the whole pre-academy and academy process is like as well as what it’s like to have the job, if anyone is willing to help. Any advice, tips, or stories from personal experience would be helpful. I’ve been reading other forums but a lot of people just aren’t helpful at all lol looking for a bit more specific stuff here.

Although I have been in the Air Force Reserve for a few years, my military career has nothing to do with law enforcement so CBP is a whole new world for me. Honestly the academy training will be pretty much all new stuff for me to learn. I take to book learning, classroom work, and fitness really well so I’m not too worried about those things; more worried about weapons training and the like.

Hopefully some people here are willing to chime in with some advice if they have any. Especially Mingle and Walker lol I look forward to getting started and doing my very best.

Also, thank you to the few of you on here that have already helped me along in the process. It is certainly greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten. I wish there was a way to repay you.

Thanks everyone!!

Paul B.


you can always text me but youre prob better off posting on this forum…

I’m jealous and excited for you lol.

Awesome to hear it worked out!!

Damn you got lucky! Both my friends got shipped off to the Mexican border.

Congrats dude, miss you <3 Good luck with everything.

Congrats mang!

Congrats! A friend of mine from Hamburg went through it a few years ago; said it was like a mini-boot-camp, but fun at the same time. He’s now stationed at Put-In-Bay/Sandusky area in Ohio.

Congrats Paul :tup:

Thank you everyone! Its been a long time in the making, but will be worth it.

When they called me on a Friday with the offer to go to Maine, they gave me the weekend to think about it. I called back Monday asking about my options. I deferred and they told me they’d call me no earlier than 30 days but no later than 90 days with another offer, but with no guarantee of getting Buffalo/Niagara Falls. They called me back within a week with a job offer locally, so I grabbed it. Guys at the Fitness Test last month in Michigan had the same phone call and ended up accepting Maine because they didn’t know they could defer. I’m glad (and lucky) I waited to get the location I wanted.

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I signed up for that forum, waiting for the email back to say I can start posting. <3 I will be texting you with questions, I just feel bad bothering you all the time lol

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Thanks brother. I know you had a hand in this so much appreciation goes out to you. <3

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Definitely lucky. I could have taken a job sooner if I accepted an offer to go south, or to accept a job with Border Patrol but no thanks to that haha

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Thanks man!! <3 I miss playing with your balls…I mean…playing basketball. lol

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<3 thank you sir!

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Thank you! That’s the info I’ve gathered so far. Trying to figure out how much like boot camp it is lol Sounds more like Tech School to me with school and training in the day and free time in the evening. Hoping they don’t get in your face and yell at you haha

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Thanks Josh!!! <3

Worlds worst hiring process when it comes to border patrol…

I agree with you. Honestly, anything that goes through USAjobs is horrible lol I wanted to give up at times due to the whole process. But it will be worth it.

Congrats- I signed up to take the test a while back but never ended up going through with it. I talked to many border patrol agents and they all told me you pretty much had to start at the south border no matter what. It was a sort of initiation thing- where nobody really wanted to be at the south border but they had to do their time. I had no interest in going down there so I just didnt bother taking the test at all. Seeing it work out for you I kinda wonder if I should have. Everything happens for a reason though- good luck for sure.

sucking off the government tit


Border patrol and CBP are completly different but both are great jobs and your foot in the door to one of the greatest brotherhoods around. I have been waiting for one green check mark on the CASS site for over 2 years now for BP, polygraph has been completed and not really sure what the hold up is. They use to not polygraph bu then started doing it in 2010 or so…congrats im sure youll love the job and the doors that it will open for you

congrats paul!!!

On the front lines when Canada finally invades :tup:

HA I agree, when the guys at worked asked how I found out about my current job, I told them I applied thru USAjobs, they were all surprised I got hired from there without knowing anyone on the inside. I’m not Border Patrol, I’m FEMA.

Congrats man!

I’m in the application process now, scored a 92 on the exam and have my first interview in a week on the Island.
Not to thread hijack but does anybody have tips for the interview? Not really sure what to expect.

For me with CBP, they did offer me position on the southwest border several times but I ignored them with advice from walker and mingle. I waited until they offered me a position where I wanted to be and finally it came around. The process has taken almost 4 years since the first exam.

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Haha! Thank you. Between the Reserves and CBP I got both tits covered.

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Thanks Long!! <3

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Hey man, is your interview for CBP? I can give some advice. PM me your number and I’ll text ya.
