Customs and Border Protection


During manual body cavity searches, body orifices are probed using fingers or the entire hand.

Sounds kinky.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

the more i think about it you lucked out cause you wont be going to FLETC in the middle of summer when its balls hot.

just hope your pre-academy is short and not 4 weeks like some people i came in with.

Congrats Paul!!! Excited for you buddy

Sweet :tup:

For border patrol or cbp?

Weather when I’m there will be decent lol pretty much perfect.

Well I start on dec 16 and fletc starts jan 29, so my pre academy is over a month long. Or is that incorrect? <3

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Thanks bud <3

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Psshhhhhhtttttt pssshhhhhhht!



(prob tim hortons runs)

tell everyone there i said hello…unless they speak ill of me then tell them to fuck off

Now when I cross the border I can just slow down and give you a high five.

Congrats, you deserve it.

LOL @ that gif

Congrats man.

I got 90% of the way through the BP process (3 checks left and I can’t fail a drug test) and somehow false positived on the lie detector.
The administrator told me about how accurate those things are… Yet somehow one of the two results cleared on a retest…
Now im stuck in limbo as my results sit on a desk for review whether I will recieve a re test or not.

Yea, ya know it was actually for border patrol, not cbp officer now that you mention it. That’s probably why there was all the talk of the south border.

On another note I did take the parks police exam and scored alright. Expecting a call come spring time for the next academy. Not 100% sure what ill do if/ when that time comes.

i voluntarily spent 6 months working in Arizona two years ago and you know what?

i fucking loved it.

i seized more contraband in that 6 month period than i did for my entire 5 years in buffalo.

you pretty much use your cuffs daily

That’s kind of the thing I was hoping to find out lol I’ve heard it’ll be paperwork, computer training and shadowing officers but for 6 weeks? Shadowing officers in business casual attire seems odd but I’ll do it without complaint. Certainly excited to get started.

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Might need a bit more than a high five if you catch my drift :wink: haha Thanks brother <3 In reality, I will probably be awestruck by your beauty and get fired.

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I know how you feel. After my first polygraph (took 4 hours) where the administrator grilled me pretty intensely because I had slight movement and deep breathing during certain questions, the results had to be reviewed by his supervisor. Then a month later I got called back to re-do a couple sections of the test. That part went much smoother and only about an hour. Good luck to you!! hopefully it works out for you.

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I bet that’s awesome haha If I was single I would have gone south, or where ever they wanted to send me to experience some wild shit.

Yes! I have a little more seniority now!

Did you get hired as a 5 or a 7?

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They actually have a list of stuff they have to observe and plans for each day now.

Shoot me a PM or look for me when you get there.

Thanks I will send you a pm

I thought it was CBP but on my letter for the interview it has the position as Border Patrol Agent (trainee). The interview panel is with 3 agents

Better get ready, all that i really can tell you is Make sure you have a resume that is Border patrol specific and be prepared to spend most of your day there. Use common sense when answering their questions and be detailed with your answers. Suit and tie is a must. also at this point be prepared to wait about 3 years before you actually get the position…go on with your normal life and if this happens then it happens

Thanks JJ! I got hired as a 5. I’ll shoot you a PM closer to Monday when I start. Any idea of what that list consists of? Lol

Yea I figured the process would take a while, I have a decent job at Citi for now til I see what happens between this/troopers/sheriff.
Any insight on how to make my resume BP specific? I submitted it online with other docs after the test but it was basically the same as how I use for other jobs.

Congrats dude!