Customs and Border Protection

Thank you sir!! <3 how’s the house??

just have a cover letter and make reference to border patrol and why you are qualified to become an BPA

Just an FYI…you sign a confidentiality agreement before the oral boards, so you really can’t talk about the interview.

I’m 18-24 months out with my application. All green checks. Grade 7 with San Diego as my geo.

By the time I get my call I better be teaching again. I’m not holding my breath anymore for this.

ha ha yep

So you’re able to get back in even though that thing with the polygraph?! Awesome brother! That’s what happened for me, I wasn’t planning on this job and all of a sudden calls kept coming and the process sped up toward the end.

Yeah idk what the hell happened with that polygraph. When I spoke to your BI, he looked into mine and a week later I had another drug screening (idk what the hell happened to my first one) then I got a call saying that my application was complete but that the time frame they were looking at was 18-24 months before FLETC.

You should buy some more parts for the MS3 to celebrate :wink:

The gf got me a new cp-e TMIC for xmas, been waiting to throw that on!

Dont worry too much about the BP oral board interview. Dress well, get a haircut, shave, and have a well put together resume.

All of the examiners were very professional and helpful at keeping everone relaxed when I did mine.

Expect it to take all day, they try to accomodate the people who traveled the furthest first.

I meanwhile will be sitting here praying to god that somone will review my poly and offer a retest before I lose my mind at my current crappy job.

Hell yea dude that’s awesome!!! What a crazy ride it has been for you lol I had to do at least 2 drug screens too. The last one was random as hell and could not reschedule. Let me know if you get any updates.

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HAHA I will buy some parts after I get some paychecks in haha It needs some love. But my truck also needs to get lowered lol I love how much you enjoy the car :slight_smile:

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Sounds like BP interviews are different than CBP. I was the only one scheduled for mine, took a few hours rather than all day. The officers were nice and understanding, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

It is still standing so I guess thats good lol. Be glad your training is in the winter, I had a friend go down to AZ in the summer and it sounded pretty brutal.