Anybody work Border Patrol?

Was talking to my manager about it today at work, and I’ve been considering looking into it for some time now.

Anyone from here do it, or have family that does it?
I’m 100% interested in taking the test/out of state training/moving wherever they want me to.

Sounds like it could be a promising career. Let me know what experience you have, if you actually have some.


i worked w/ them when i was doing customs brokerage…there’s so many different fields within it u can do…like actual border patrol, customs crap, etc etc

Yeah that’s what I figured. I’ve been interested in a few fields of this work and I think it would be an interesting career choice.

Is it hard to get into?

Thanks for the info and link

like any other govt job. drug test, background check, all kinds of personality exams and stuff. I never looked into it as a possible career for me but the cbp site has a ton of info

I’m doing some reading now. I know I can pass a drug test and I know my background is fine. I have nothing more than a few stupid traffic violations in my life.


theres a test for it in november steve, Its right in west seneca. Ill ask my buddy about it tomm and let you know.

Thanks Mike. I’m interested for sure.

Do they check random personal shit like forums, email, shit like facebook and myspace?
Just curious, I have nothing to hide.

prolly not forums cuz that’d be big brother shit

maybe facebook/myspace. just set ur profile to private so they cant do that shit

There’s nothing on my facebook or myspace to be honest. But if/when the time comes maybe I’ll set them to private.

Thanks again for the information!

my good friend glenn is in the border patrol, he’s stationed at el paso texas/artesia. he loves every minute of it, he makes roughly 65k a year, and he’s only been in the BP for 1-1/2 years now (degree in law, military experience tho)

Yeah I’m kind of looking to skip over college for a few years, and then go back when I’m steady somewhere.

ive been thinking about that a lot too.

Hows about we go take that test in november?

i gotta figure out what’s going on with loans and what not if i choose to do that. right now im 16k down the hole because of buff state, idk if i’m better off getting my degree or taking that break, and paying for college with the money i have instead of with loans.

I hear ya. If you’re interested you know how to get ahold of me. I’m pretty sure I’m willing to do this.

i could get you into contact with my friend, my dad is also good friends with one of the senior officers in niagara falls too

If it’s possible let me know, I’m trying to get everything figured out before next semester. I’m sick of pissing away money on school when I go to 1 class out of 4, 2 days a week.

steve if i was a mexican trying to sneak across the border and i came across you upon my adventures, i would not be scared. other than that good luck!

I wouldn’t be afraid of me either…the gun aimed at your face on the other hand, that I might have me worried a bit LOL